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Corylaceae是什么意思 Corylaceae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:33:16
  • 42

'Corylaceae' 是拉丁语,中文翻译为“榛科”。这是一个植物学中的科名,多指产于温带和寒带的落叶乔木或灌木,如榛树、山毛榉、赤松等。

以下是9个含有 'Corylaceae' 的例句:

1. Corylaceae 科的植物通常在晚秋时节结出坚果。

(英文:Plants of the Corylaceae family typically produce nuts in late autumn.)

2. 榛属和豆科下的蚕豆树是 Corylaceae 科别受欢迎的品种。

(英文:The hazel genus and the broad bean tree in the legume family are particularly popular varieties in the Corylaceae family.)

3. 这种 Corylaceae 植物的果实很小,但味道非常鲜美。

(英文:The fruits of this Corylaceae plant are very small but extremely tasty.)

4. 榛树是 Corylaceae 科中最常见的种类之一。

(英文:The hazel tree is one of the most common species in the Corylaceae family.)

5. 花生属也属于 Corylaceae 科,不过产地主要在南美洲。

(英文:The peanut genus also belongs to the Corylaceae family, but its origin is mainly in South America.)

6. Corylaceae 科的植物叶子形态各异,有的是长形、有的是圆形。

(英文:Plants of the Corylaceae family have various leaf shapes, some are elongated, and some are round.)

7. 榛树和山毛榉都是 Corylaceae 科的重要物种,它们对环境的适应能力很强。

(英文:Hazelnut and hornbeam are both important species in the Corylaceae family, and they have strong adaptability to the environment.)

8. Corylaceae 科的植物有一些用于医药、食品等领域。

(英文:Plants of the Corylaceae family are used in medicine, food, and other fields.)

9. 榛子是 Corylaceae 科中著名的坚果之一,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪等营养成分。

(英文:Hazelnuts are one of the famous nuts in the Corylaceae family, containing rich nutrients such as protein and fat.)

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