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erosion cultural是什么意思 erosion cultural的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:36:39
  • 43

'erosion cultural'是英文中的一个词汇,可翻译为“文化侵蚀”或“文化腐蚀”。它用来描述人们在不经意间或自愿接受外来文化的影响,从而导致本土文化逐渐消失或改变的现象。


以下是9个含有'erosion cultural'的例句:

1. Carrying out traditional cultural education is the key to resist the erosion of foreign cultural invasion.(进行传统文化教育是抵制外来文化侵蚀的关键)

2. The widespread popularity of Western culture has led to the erosion of traditional Eastern culture.(西方文化的普及已经导致了东方传统文化的侵蚀)

3. The local government should take measures to prevent the cultural erosion caused by globalization.(地方应采取措施防止全球化带来的文化侵蚀)

4. Many young people today are more inclined to accept foreign cultures, leading to the cultural erosion of their own countries.(许多年轻人现在更倾向于接受外来文化,导致自己国家的文化侵蚀)

5. The rapid development of tourism industry may also cause the erosion of local culture.(旅游业的快速发展也可能导致当地文化的侵蚀)

6. The Chinese government has always emphasized the importance of cultural heritage protection in order to avoid cultural erosion.(中国一直强调文化遗产保护的重要性以避免文化侵蚀)

7. The popularity of American culture has had a profound impact on the cultural landscape of many countries, resulting in the erosion of local culture.(美国文化的普及对许多国家的文化格局产生了深刻的影响,导致当地文化的侵蚀)

8. The current era of global communication has led to the rapid erosion of indigenous cultures.(当前全球化通讯的时代,导致了土著文化的快速侵蚀)

9. It is important for us to establish a cultural identity that can resist the erosion of other cultures.(建立一个能够抵御其他文化侵蚀的文化身份对我们来说非常重要)

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