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asfodelaceas是什么意思 asfodelaceas的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:37:50
  • 40


1. The flowers in this garden belong to the asphodelaceae family. 这个花园里的花属于百合科。

2. Some members of the asphodelaceae family are used for medicinal purposes. 百合科的一些成员被用于药用。

3. The leaves of asphodelaceae are typically long and narrow. 百合科的叶子通常长而窄。

4. This type of plant belongs to the asphodelaceae family and is native to Europe. 这种植物属于百合科,原产于欧洲。

5. Asphodelaceae is a diverse family with many different species. 百合科是一个多样化的科,有许多不同的物种。

6. Some asphodelaceae plants are used in cooking and have a unique flavor. 一些百合科植物被用于烹饪,有独特的味道。

7. The flowers of asphodelaceae are often used in floral arrangements. 百合科的花经常用于花艺中。

8. Asphodelaceae plants are known for their hardiness and ability to thrive in difficult conditions. 百合科植物以其坚韧和在困难条件下生存的能力而闻名。

9. Many asphodelaceae plants are drought-tolerant and require little water to survive. 许多百合科植物耐旱,需要很少的水才能生存。

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