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Oryza rufipogon是什么意思 Oryza rufipogon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:19:33
  • 25

'Oryza rufipogon'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是红鬃野生稻。它是水稻的一个亲缘种,被认为是水稻的祖先。红鬃野生稻生长在亚洲和澳大利亚的沼泽、河流、池塘和湖泊附近,能适应各种环境条件。

以下是9个含有'Oryza rufipogon'的例句:

1. 红鬃野生稻是水稻的祖先,它对水稻的育种研究具有重要意义。(英语)

Translation: Oryza rufipogon is the ancestor of cultivated rice, and it has significant importance for rice breeding research.

2. 韩国从红鬃野生稻中选育出多个具有高产、抗逆性强的水稻品种。(韩语)

Translation: South Korea has developed several rice varieties with high yield and strong stress resistance from Oryza rufipogon.

3. 许多国家正在开展红鬃野生稻的保护和研究工作,以防止其灭绝。(法语)

Translation: Many countries are working on conservation and research of Oryza rufipogon to prevent its extinction.

4. 该研究发现,红鬃野生稻中的某些基因能够提高水稻的抗旱性。(德语)

Translation: The study found that certain genes in Oryza rufipogon can improve drought resistance in rice.

5. 红鬃野生稻的种质资源对水稻的育种和改良非常重要。(俄语)

Translation: The germplasm resources of Oryza rufipogon are crucial for rice breeding and improvement.

6. 日本的一家研究机构成功地利用红鬃野生稻育出了具有高蛋白、低脂肪的水稻品种。(日语)

Translation: A Japanese research institution has successfully developed rice varieties with high protein and low fat using Oryza rufipogon.

7. 红鬃野生稻中的一些基因对水稻的抗病性具有重要作用。(韩语)

Translation: Certain genes in Oryza rufipogon have significant importance for disease resistance in rice.

8. 新加坡的一个研究团队正在开展红鬃野生稻基因编辑的研究,以提高水稻的品质和产量。(英语)

Translation: A research team in Singapore is conducting gene editing of Oryza rufipogon to improve the quality and yield of rice.

9. 中国的一些水稻品种中,存在着来自红鬃野生稻的基因。(中文)

Translation: Some rice varieties in China have genes from Oryza rufipogon.

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