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Collalba desertica是什么意思 Collalba desertica的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:19:34
  • 18

'Collalba desertica'是拉丁语,意为“沙漠岩鹨”。它是一种生活在沙漠或干旱地区的鸟类,常见于非洲、中东和南亚地区。它们有很好的伪装能力,在岩石或沙漠沟壑中很难被发现。

以下是9个含有'Collalba desertica'的例句(使用英语并带中文翻译):

1. The Collared Wheatear is a subspecies of 'Collalba desertica'.

(铃领岩鹨是'Collalba desertica'的亚种。)

2. These rock thrushes, or wheatears, are a group of small passerine birds belonging to the genus 'Collalba desertica'.

(这些岩鹨是属于'Collalba desertica'的一种小型雀鸟。)

3. The female 'Collalba desertica' is more brownish than the male, and also has less distinct markings.

(雌性的'Collalba desertica'比雄性更褐色,也没有那么鲜明的斑点。)

4. 'Collalba desertica' is a common bird in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East.

('Collalba desertica'是非洲和中东沙漠中常见的鸟类。)

5. The song of the 'Collalba desertica' is typically a series of short phrases, often repeated several times.

('Collalba desertica'的歌声通常是一系列短语,经常反复几次。)

6. During breeding season, the male 'Collalba desertica' performs an aerial display to attract females.

(繁殖季节,雄性的'Collalba desertica'会进行空中展示以吸引雌性。)

7. The 'Collalba desertica' feeds mainly on insects, which it catches on the ground or in the air.

('Collalba desertica'主要以昆虫为食,它们在地面或空中捕捉猎物。)

8. The 'Collalba desertica' is a migratory bird, spending the winter in North Africa and the Middle East.

('Collalba desertica'是一种候鸟,冬季在北非和中东度过。)

9. The conservation status of 'Collalba desertica' is of least concern, as it has a wide distribution and a stable population.

('Collalba desertica'的保护状况属于最不担忧的,因为它分布广泛,人口稳定。)

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