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Pissodes strobi是什么意思 Pissodes strobi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:19:49
  • 25

"Pissodes strobi"这个词语来源于拉丁语,指的是松材线虫。


用法:Pissodes strobi是一种寄生在松树上的害虫,会松树的树皮和木质部分。


1. Pissodes strobi is a serious pest of pine trees.(松材线虫是松树的严重害虫。)

2. The damage caused by Pissodes strobi can weaken and kill pine trees.(松材线虫造成的伤害会削弱和杀死松树。)

3. Pissodes strobi larvae bore into the bark and create tunnels, which can disrupt the flow of nutrients and water in the tree.(松材线虫幼虫钻进树皮并创造出隧道,这会扰乱树木中的营养和水分流动。)

4. The best way to control Pissodes strobi is to maintain tree health and prevent infestations.(控制松材线虫的最佳方法是保持树木健康并预防受虫害。)

5. Pissodes strobi is particularly damaging to young pine trees.(松材线虫对年轻的松树造成的尤为严重。)

6. The life cycle of Pissodes strobi includes egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages.(松材线虫的生命周期包括、幼虫、蛹和成虫阶段。)

7. Pissodes strobi can over-winter in pine tree bark or needles.(松材线虫可以在松树的树皮或针叶中越冬。)

8. Signs of Pissodes strobi infestation include wilted needles, sap oozing from tree bark, and discolored foliage.(松材线虫感染的迹象包括枯萎的针叶、树皮渗出的树液和叶子变色。)

9. To prevent Pissodes strobi infestation, it is recommended to keep high-value pine trees healthy through proper pruning, fertilization, and pest management.(为了预防松材线虫感染,建议通过适当的修剪、施肥和害虫管理来保持高价值松树的健康。)

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