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metaplasia是什么意思 metaplasia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:21:08
  • 17



1. Metaplasia of the epithelium is a common precursor to malignancy.(上皮异型生长是恶性的常见前驱病变。)

2. Intestinal metaplasia is a change from stomach lining cells to intestinal lining cells.(肠化生是从胃黏膜细胞向肠黏膜细胞的转变。)

3. The development of metaplasia provides an opportunity for cancer prevention strategies.(异型生长的发展为癌症预防策略提供了机会。)

4. Respiratory mucosal metaplasia is a histopathologic response to chronic irritation.(呼吸道黏膜异型生长是慢性刺激的组织病理学反应。)

5. Squamous metaplasia occurs when columnar cells in the respiratory tract are replaced by squamous cells.(鳞状化生发生在呼吸道柱状细胞被鳞状细胞替代时。)

6. Metaplasia can be seen as a defence mechanism against chronic stress.(异型生长可以被视为慢性应激的防御机制。)

7. The process of metaplasia involves reprogramming of gene expression.(异型生长的过程涉及基因表达的重新编程。)

8. Metaplasia is a dynamic process that can be reversed with appropriate intervention.(异型生长是一个动态的过程,可以通过适当的干预来逆转。)

9. Dysplastic metaplasia is a precancerous condition that requires close monitoring.(异型性生长是一种需要密切监测的癌前病变。)

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