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ATH是什么意思 ATH的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:18:32
  • 25

‘ATH’并非是一个国家的语言,而是一种缩写术语。它代表“Above The Horizontal”,意思是“水平线上方”,通常用在航空、卫星和火箭等领域中表示飞行高度。


1. The plane is flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet ATH.(飞机飞行在30,000英尺的高度上)

2. The satellite is orbiting at an altitude of 500 km ATH.(卫星正以500千米的高度绕地球运行)

3. The will reach an altitude of 100 km ATH before descending back to Earth.(火箭将在达到100千米的高度后开始下降回地球)

4. The pilot must maintain the aircraft’s altitude at 10,000 feet ATH.(飞行员必须保持飞机飞行在10,000英尺的高度上)

5. The drone can fly up to an altitude of 400 feet ATH.(无人机可以飞行到400英尺的高度上)

6. The weather balloon reached an altitude of 25 km ATH before bursting.(气象气球在达到25千米的高度后破裂了)

7. The paragliders soared at an altitude of 6,000 feet ATH over the mountains.(滑翔伞在山上6,000英尺高度上翱翔)

8. The helicopter hovered at a low altitude of 500 feet ATH as it surveyed the city.(直升机在500英尺的低空盘旋,对城市进行勘测)

9. The hot air balloon floated at an altitude of 2,000 feet ATH, offering stunning views of the landscape.(热气球漂浮在2,000英尺的高度上,提供令人惊叹的风景)

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