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Dana Elcar是什么意思 Dana Elcar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:18:43
  • 66

'Dana Elcar'不是一个国家或语言,而是一个人名,该人是美国演员。


1. Dana Elcar played Pete Thornton on the TV show "MacGyver".(Dana Elcar在电视剧《百战天龙》中扮演了Pete Thornton。)

2. Dana Elcar appeared in over 40 films during his career.(Dana Elcar在他的职业生涯中出演了超过40部电影。)

3. Dana Elcar was born in Iowa in 1927.(Dana Elcar于1927年出生在爱荷华州。)

4. Dana Elcar was also a stage actor, and performed in many plays.(Dana Elcar也是一位舞台演员,在许多剧目中表演。)

5. Elcar received critical acclaim for his role in the film "The Great White Hope".(Elcar因在电影《伟大的白色希望》中的角色而获得了好评。)

6. Dana Elcar's last film role was in the movie "Hawkeye".(Dana Elcar最后一次电影角色是在电影《鹰眼》中。)

7. Elcar was diagnosed with glaucoma, which eventually led to him losing his sight.(Elcar被诊断患有青光眼,最终导致他丧失了视力。)

8. Dana Elcar passed away in 2005 at the age of 77.(Dana Elcar于2005年去世,享年77岁。)

9. Elcar's work in film and television continues to be remembered and celebrated by fans.(Elcar在电影和电视方面的工作继续被粉丝们铭记和庆祝。)

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