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wonton是什么意思 wonton的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-14 00:12:56
  • 132

1. 'wonton'是中国词语,翻译为“馄饨”。它是一种传统的中国汉族小吃,通常由猪肉、虾仁等做馅料,包裹在薄面皮里,加入调料后煮熟。

2. 他喜欢吃煮熟的馄饨,里面放了很多肉和蔬菜。(He likes to eat boiled wontons with lots of meat and vegetables.)

3. 妈妈的馄饨皮做得很薄很好吃。(My mother makes very thin and delicious wonton skins.)

4. 我们在饺子馆吃了一份热气腾腾的馄饨汤。(We had a steaming bowl of wonton soup at the dumpling restaurant.)

5. 这个馄饨摊位卖的馅料很新鲜,价格也很便宜。(The wonton stall sells fresh fillings at a reasonable price.)

6. 他通常在早上吃一碗热气腾腾的馄饨汤来开始新的一天。(He usually starts his day with a steaming bowl of wonton soup for breakfast.)

7. 我们在中国城的小摊位上品尝了一些当地的馄饨,感觉很好吃。(We tasted some local wontons at a small stall in Chinatown and found them delicious.)

8. 她擅长制作馄饨,每次做的都很好吃。(She is good at wontons and they always turn out delicious.)

9. 只要经过一定的训练,你也可以学会包馄饨。(With some training, you can also learn how to wrap wontons.)

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