1. Carrot belongs to the family Apiaceae. (胡萝卜属于芹菜科。)
2. Fennel is a herbaceous perennial plant in the Apiaceae family. (茴香是芹菜科的一种多年生草本植物。)
3. Coriander is a member of the Apiaceae family. (芫荽属于芹菜科。)
4. The Apiaceae family is known for its aromatic and flavorful herbs. (芹菜科以其芳香和有味道的草药而闻名。)
5. Parsley is a member of the Apiaceae family and is often used as a garnish. (欧芹是芹菜科的一种植物,常用作装饰。)
6. Many plants in the Apiaceae family have medicinal properties. (许多芹菜科植物具有药用价值。)
7. The Apiaceae family is widely distributed throughout the world. (芹菜科植物广泛分布于世界各地。)
8. Dill is a member of the Apiaceae family and is often used to flavor pickles. (莳萝属于芹菜科,常用来给腌制食品调味。)
9. Angelica is a plant in the Apiaceae family that is used in traditional Chinese medicine. (当归是芹菜科植物,被用于传统中药中。)
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