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bloqueo exclusivo是什么意思 bloqueo exclusivo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:30:10
  • 50

'bloqueo exclusivo'是西班牙语中的词语,翻译为“独家封锁”。它是指某个机构或个人在特定领域拥有独家控制权,从而排除其他竞争者的参与。这种情况通常会引起不公平竞争和垄断行为的担忧。

是9个含有“bloqueo exclusivo”的例句:

1. Apple 拥有在其设备上运行 iOS 系统的独家控制权,这种 “bloqueo exclusivo” 排除了其他操作系统的参与。(中文翻译:Apple has exclusive control over running the iOS system on its devices, which creates a “bloqueo exclusivo” that excludes other operating systems.)

2. 这家公司的独家协议意味着它们可以在市场上创造“bloqueo exclusivo”,从而获得高额的利润。(中文翻译:The company's exclusive agreements mean that they can create a “bloqueo exclusivo” in the market, allowing them to make high profits.)

3. 这场官司揭示了该行业存在的“bloqueo exclusivo”,许多小公司无法进入市场。(中文翻译:The lawsuit exposed the “bloqueo exclusivo” in the industry, it difficult for many small companies to enter the market.)

4. 大公司由于其规模和影响力,很容易创造“bloqueo exclusivo”,从而使小公司无法竞争。(中文翻译:Big companies can easily create “bloqueo exclusivo” and make it difficult for small companies to compete due to their size and influence.)

5. 该领域存在的“bloqueo exclusivo”使得市场缺乏多样性和创新。(中文翻译:The “bloqueo exclusivo” in the field creates a lack of diversity and innovation in the market.)

6. 该政策为所有公司创造了一个公平的市场,去除了“bloqueo exclusivo”的危险。(中文翻译:The policy creates a fair market for all companies, eliminating the danger of “bloqueo exclusivo”.)

7. 垄断行为或“bloqueo exclusivo”可能会导致价格上涨和产品质量下降。(中文翻译:Monopolistic behavior or “bloqueo exclusivo” can lead to higher prices and lower product quality.)

8. 在竞争激烈的市场上,创造“bloqueo exclusivo”可能是适用法律进行调查和处理的行为。(中文翻译:Creating “bloqueo exclusivo” in a competitive market may be a behavior subject to legal investigation and treatment.)

9. 在某些情况下,可能需要采取措施防止“bloqueo exclusivo”发生,以保护消费者和公众利益。(中文翻译:In some cases, the government may need to take measures to prevent “bloqueo exclusivo” in order to protect consumers and public interests.)

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