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流行性用英语怎么说 流行性的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:09:43
  • 20

流行性的英语翻译是"epidemic",其次还可以说成"epidemicity -",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到92个与流行性相关的释义和例句。


1. epidemic


If the innards of each pig are Petri dishes, then possible pandemic flu viruses have been stewing on hog farms for decades.


2. epidemicity -

流行性翻译为 epidemicity -。

Epidemic meningitis is not the biggest killer in Africa, but it is one of the most greatly fearful of all diseases.


3.   epidemically

流行性翻译为   epidemically。

We have drawn up the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Action Plan for this year and next.


4.   epidemicity


1. epidemicity(流行性 )

2. epidemicities(流行性)

3. epidemic(流行性的)

4. epidemic hysteria(流行性癔病)

5. epidemic infection(流行性传染)


Influenza flu grippe Parainfluenza ( 流行性感冒 内科 )

epidemic parotitis epidemic mumps EP ( 流行性腮腺炎 内科 )

Epidemic contagious epidemic c n./a ( 流行性的 医 )

epidemic hemorrhagic fever EHF Hemorrhagic fever RSHF ( 流行性出血热 内科 )

PED Porcine epidemic diarrhea Porcine Epizootic Diarrhea Porcineepidemicdiar-rha ( 猪流行性腹泻 )

epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis epidemic meningitis Neisseria meningitidis ( 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 内科 )

influenza virus Swine influenza virus ( 流行性感冒病毒 )

epidemic myalgia Bornholm disease epidemic plourodynice ( 流行性肌痛 内科 )

epidemic typhus Epidemic Louseborne typhus ( 流行性斑疹伤寒 内科 )


1. That's a pop. That's a pop. That's a pop.


2. Don't worry about it. i mean, i think she got the flu or something, you know.

译文:别这样,我猜她 得了流行性感冒。

3. The director had come down with influenza and a fever of 103°.


4. "Pop superstar or pop meitdown?"


5. That's a national pandemic.


6. i was injected into this body to rat on influenza only.


7. Back there, but the padre's home with the mumps.

译文:刚才那边 但牧师一家感染了流行性腮腺炎。

8. Our investment in trying to prevent pandemic flu is affecting the distribution of possible outcomes.

译文:我们在预防流行性疾病上所进行的投入 将会影响将来可能产生的结果的分布。

9. And this is something we commonly do to look for respiratory viruses like influenza.

译文:像这种事是我们经常做的, 为了寻找呼吸道病毒,像流行性感冒病毒。

10. And yet, we spend virtually nothing to prevent something as tangible and evolutionarily certain as epidemic infectious diseases.

译文:还有一点,我们又实际上几乎没有花费多少钱 来预防流行性传染病这样的问题, 这个问题切实存在,并且一定是不断进化的。

11. Give him his head. Send him!

译文:流行 缰绳。

12. You still think it could be grippe, Doctor?

译文:医生 您还认为这是流行性感冒吗。

13. At first the patient has flu-like symptoms.

译文:-是 患者初期症状像流行性感冒。

14. in addition, wild aquatic birds carry all known strains of influenza.

译文:还有就是,野生水生鸟类 会携带众所周知 多种流行性感冒病毒。

15. Our investment in trying to prevent pandemic flu is affecting the distribution of possible outcomes.

译文:我们在预防流行性疾病上所进行的投入 将会影响将来可能产生的结果的分布。

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