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中国教育台用英语怎么说 中国教育台英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:10:31
  • 27

中国教育台在英语中的翻译是"  CETV",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到74个与中国教育台相关的释义和例句。


1.   CETV

中国教育台翻译为   CETV。

The main idea of this paper is to introduce a technique that can parallel monitor several sending sets at the same time under the pattern of single processor.



1. CERNET(中国教育与科研网)

2. CETV(中国教育电视台 华娱卫视)

3. National Education Association(全国教育协会)

4. uk education( 英国教育;英国留学)

5. Santai(三台(中国地名))


CETV CETV China Educational Television China Education Television Station ( 中国教育电视台 )

chinese education ( 教育 )


1. And the world didn't stop in the 1990s.


2. They account for 30 percent of the country's primary and high school students.

译文:他们的数量占据了 中国初等教育学生的30%。

3. According to the US Department of Education, more than 85 percent of black male fourth graders are not proficient in reading.

译文:根据美国教育部统计, 超过85%的四年级黑人学生 不擅长阅读。

4. A regular Evelyn Wood i married.

译文:哟 你当你是伊夫林伍德呢 (美国教育学家)。

5. it's my book... a book i wrote about ways to improve education in America.

译文:是书 是我写的 关于如何发展美国教育的书。

6. Church of England minister charged!


7. - That's the plumage of an English professor.

译文:- 那是英国教授的漂亮外衣。

8. Korea shows you what's possible in education.


9. The National Union of Teachers, the chief client of the Department of Education, so the DES went comprehensive.

译文:是全国教师协会 The National Union of Teachers, 它们是教育部的最大客户 the chief client of the Department of Education, 于是教育部就实施素质教育 so the DES went comprehensive.。

10. An oversimplification of American educational history.


11. On behalf of the Ministry of Education and the National Peking University Council,

译文:我代表教育部 和国立北京大学校务委员会宣布。

12. After this, respectable American educators all backed away, and they stayed away for decades.

译文:在此之后,著名的 美国教育家们就都不干了。他们躲了几十年。

13. There are three Chinese God-fathers in Holland

译文:在荷兰这地方 出了三个中国教父。

14. We see that in China, 28 percent of people had secondary school access.

译文:我们看到,过去在中国,只有28%的人口 接受中学教育。

15. - So there was no warning? - No warning.


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