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长势用英语怎么说 长势的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:12:13
  • 23

长势通常被翻译为"the way a crop is growing"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"site",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到50个与长势相关的译文和例句。


1. the way a crop is growing

长势翻译为the way a crop is growing。

Crops are growing luxuriantly.


2. site


These plants flourish in a damp climate.


3.   figure of grass

长势翻译为   figure of grass。

The wheat is growing well.


4.   growth vigour

长势翻译为   growth vigour。

示例:personal growth,self,storytelling,success
personal growth,self,storytelling,success



1. growth vigour(长势)

2. growth information(长势信息)

3. top heaviness(树冠长势过重)

4. growth potential(生长势;增长潜力)

5. promising crops(长势很好的作物)


strong growth ( 强劲的增长势头 )

growth potential Growth conditions ( 生长势 )

luxuriant ( 长势茂盛的 )

growth information ( 长势信息 )

These crops are growing well These crops sown very good These crops are very good ( 这些庄稼长势很好 )

Grass growing too strong rectification ( 草长势过旺整改 )

maintain momentum of economic growth ( 保持经济增长势头 )

secular trend Long-term trends Primary trend ( 长期趋势 经 )


1. For the next three weeks, there wasn't a single drop of rain, and the crops that had germinated so well shriveled and died.

译文:但接下来三个星期, 滴雨不下, 那些已些长势良好的作物 都枯死了。

2. There it is: after some little fluctuations at the beginning, when companies are innovating, they scale beautifully.

译文:看 当公司进行革新 一开始出现轻微浮动 它们长势良好。

3. "Lice thrive so well on George's body

译文:Lice thrive so well on George's body "乔治身上的虱子长势茂盛。

4. Their bizarrely shaped nose can detect fresh growth from hundreds of miles away.

译文:它们的鼻子长相奇怪 却能够勘测到 几百公里外的青草长势。

5. Normally i throw a bunch of seeds around, see which looks best, thin out the rest, but this year i couldn't.


6. Now go ahead and sit my little people down by my bowl of skinny mints.


7. The growths do not seem like oncological aberrations but almost like new, fully functional organs.

译文:从长势来看不像是肿瘤畸变 更像是崭新的 功能健全的器官。

8. That is, you ask any generic question about this -- how many trees of a given size, how many branches of a given size does a tree have, how many leaves, what is the energy flowing through each branch, what is the size of the canopy, what is its growth, what is its mortality?

译文:如果你随便问一个常识问题 某已知体积的大树有多少棵 一颗体积已知的大树有多少分枝 多少树叶 每根树枝中流动的能量是什么 树冠有多大 它长势如何 寿命多长。

9. well, i've got to go down now and see how my garden's growing.


10. The taller it grows, the faster its growth rate, so that in a matter of days it towers above the undergrowth and continues reaching for the sky.

译文:长得愈发高挺 长势愈发猛烈 数日间便拔地而起 凌驾于灌木丛之上 并且持续向着天际进发。

11. Yunnan's forests are home to more than a dozen wild banana species and banana crops grow well in most Dai gardens.

译文:云南的森林里有十二种以上 不同品种的野生香蕉 多数傣族人的菜园里的香蕉都长势良好。

12. Those fields below the Heights were covered... ,..with the finest crop of corn ever raised in this section.

译文:而高地的土地则覆盖满... ...本地长势最好的谷物。

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