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归入用英语怎么说 归入的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:12:23
  • 36

归入通常被翻译为"  Classified"的意思,还经常被译作include,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与归入相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Classified

归入翻译为   Classified。

After that the two alliances might be subsumed into a new European security system.


2. include


Tungsten is classified among the metals.


3. classify


He has been pigeonholed as a children's writer.


4.   relegate

归入翻译为   relegate。

示例:inspire local planners to put the food sites at the heart of the town and the city plan, not relegate them to the edges of the settlements that ody can see.
以激励我们当地的城市规划者把食物区 放到城市的中心地带 而不是归入到 没人能看到的安置地的边缘



1. subsume(归入 )

2. subsumption(归入 )

3. fallen under(归入)

4. fell under(归入)

5. subsumptive(归入的 )


absorbed costs ( 归入成本 )

belong in belong ( 应归入 )

fall under ( 被归入 )

Disgorgement the withdrawing right Disgorgement of profit ( 归入权 )

classified ( 归入密级的 )

Spin the morningming ( 引擎归入歹意行为 )

pulmonary arterial hypertension ( 归入肺动脉高压类 )

Now live in the underground ( 如今已归入尘土 )


1. – i couldn't get the case into the luggage.


2. Wow. i'd say we've officially crossed over into weird.


3. Then we would assign the watch to group A.


4. inspire local planners to put the food sites at the heart of the town and the city plan, not relegate them to the edges of the settlements that ody can see.

译文:以激励我们当地的城市规划者把食物区 放到城市的中心地带 而不是归入到 没人能看到的安置地的边缘。

5. ( Whispering ) you could write if off as a bad debt and say nothing about it.

译文:他可以把这归入坏账 然后装聋扮哑。

6. i belonged to a new underclass, no longer determined by social status or the color of your skin.

译文:我被归入一个不再以社会地位 和肤色来区分的新下层阶级。

7. i will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes in deriving a grand unified theory, and therefore, subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.

译文:我就能够复制你的思想过程 从而得出大一统理论 然后将你的研究成果 归入我的范例内。

8. Lt. Foley said go to 2nd, but Sgt. Malarkey--


9. But fold it into a RiCO, it adds a predicate.

译文:但归入到反黑法里 就会增加变数。

10. Annie Jump Cannon and her team kept sifting the stars, checking each one's spectral signature with a fleeting glance and then dropping them into one of seven categories.

译文:安妮・坎农和她的组员不断的筛分恒星 Annie Jump Cannon and her team kept sifting the stars, 检查每一颗的光谱特征 checking each one's spectral signature 并将它们归入 with a fleeting glance and then dropping them。

11. i baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

译文:我现在施洗于你 使你归入圣父 圣子 I baptize you in the name of the father, the son, 和圣灵的名下 and the holy spirit.。

12. So, insurance has reviewed the $6 million lawsuit against us and denied coverage due to "attorney recklessness."

译文:针对这个六百万的案子 保险公司已经做了审核 并且已经拒绝将其归入 "律师行为轻率"的保险范围。

13. All the people who partite in social media networks belong to the same old demographic categories that media companies and advertisers have used in order to understand them.

译文:参与社交传媒网的所有人 都能被归入以前旧的人口统计学里的种类 那些媒体公司和广告商们 以前用来了解人们的统计种类。

14. instead, 80% ends up here...


15. This time you do not pass the exam, and wherein came under hot Ministry hand !

译文:这一次你没有通过考试, 不知道哪部分归入教育部的热点名册。

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