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棉纤维素用英语怎么说 棉纤维素英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:12:25
  • 41

棉纤维素在英语中的翻译是"cotton cellulose",在日常中也可以翻译为"  cotton cellulose",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到31个与棉纤维素相关的译文和例句。


1. cotton cellulose

棉纤维素翻译为cotton cellulose。

This remains to be established in studies of these chemically modified cotton celluloses in which the amine content is varied over a wide range for each type of composition.


2.   cotton cellulose

棉纤维素翻译为   cotton cellulose。

The relative crystallinity of refined cotton cellulose was studied by IR. The results shows that the relative crystallinity of cellulose decrease with the increasing of radiation dose .


3. gossypin


Conclusion Cotton cellulose has radiation aftereffect, and there is a linear relationship between the logarithm of absorption doses and the total effect.


4.   Gossypin


1. gossypin(棉纤维素)

2. sossypin([医] 棉纤维素)

3. purified cotton cellulose( 纯棉纤维素)

4. polynosic cellulose(虎木棉纤维素;高湿模数纤维素)

5. cellulose(纤维素 )


Linter cellulose ( 棉短绒纤维素 )

fiber pigment ( 棉纤维色素 )


1. So, in this case, nanocellulose, which is basically one of the very fine building blocks of cellulose, which is one of the materials that makes trees strong, you can isolate it, and it works very much like carbon fiber.

译文:例如,纳米纤维, 它是纤维素极细微的组成部分, 纤维素是能让树木如此 坚固的物质之一, 你可以对它进行分离, 它的性质跟碳纤维非常相似。

2. And this nanocrystalline cellulose is so strong, on a weight basis, it's about 10 times stronger than steel.

译文:这种纳米结晶纤维素,十分强韧, 强韧度是同质量的铁的10倍。

3. Cellulose goes on to make up over 90% of the fiber’s weight.

译文:纤维素的重量占比上升, 超过纤维净重的 90%。

4. So they're spinning these tiny nano fibers of pure cellulose.

译文:它们开始纺出极纤细的纳米纤维 是极纯的纤维素。

5. This is the stuff that gives plants their shape and texture.


6. The mushrooms then are harvested, but very importantly, the mycelium has converted the cellulose into fungal sugars.

译文:收获了蘑菇, 但非常重要的是 菌丝将纤维素转变成真菌糖。

7. Generating ethanol from cellulose using mycelium as an intermediary -- and you gain all the benefits that i've described to you already.

译文:纤维素利用菌丝作为介质产生乙醇—— 你得到了我向你们描述过的所有好处。

8. That's cellulosic, second generation biofuels from prairie grass.

译文:这是第二代纤维素乙醇 从牧草中产生的生物燃料。

9. inthishostileenvironment, cellulose acetate, the most common material used for films and photographs throughout the 20th century begins to bubble and warp.

译文:在这样的环境下 醋酸纤维素 开始起泡变形。

10. And what we're left with after removing all the apple cells is this cellulose scaffold.

译文:移除全部苹果细胞后, 剩下的是纤维素骨架。

11. Their one job is to break down cellulose, a common compound in vegetables, into sugars.

译文:它们的唯一工作就是把纤维素, 一种在蔬菜中常见的分子, 降解成糖类。

12. But here's the problem: say you want to buy a half a ton of nanocellulose to build a boat or an airplane.

译文:但问题是:假设 你想买半吨的纳米纤维素, 用来造船或者造飞机。

13. So, take that from a tree, form it into fibers, and then those fibers can strengthen things, such as airplanes, buildings, cars.

译文:从树木中提取纤维素, 接着再制成纤维, 然后这些纤维能用来加固东西, 例如飞机、建筑物、汽车。

14. it's actually a nanofiber called nanocrystalline cellulose.


15. So now, we are actually producing, on an industrial scale in israel, nanocellulose, and very soon, in Sweden.

译文:所以目前,在以色列, 我们正在规模化生产这种纤维素。很快,就会推进到瑞典。

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