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书评用英语怎么说 书评的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:14:25
  • 38

书评用英语翻译为"  book review",在日常中也可以翻译为"book review -",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到73个与书评相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   book review

书评翻译为   book review。

A review of this book in The Times lamented that Mr. Davis had given us no especial assurance that any of the traditional accidents can save us once more.


2. book review -

书评翻译为 book review -。

We're reviewing the pick of this month's new books.


3. book review

书评翻译为book review。

Follow a proper format to construct your book review.


4. book review -

书评翻译为 book review -。

示例:i read a book review actually.
I read a book review actually. ﹣或你读了什么 ﹣我读了一篇书评事实上



1. ludifications( 书评)

2. textbook evaluation(教科书评鉴)

3. kirkus( 柯克斯书评;科克斯;克斯科书评)

4. kirkuss( 柯克斯书评;科克斯;克斯科书评\n(kirkus 的复数))

5. on books( 书籍与读书;谈书籍;书评)


London Review of Books LondonReviewofBooksLRB ( 伦敦书评 )

Kirkus Reviews KIRKUS KirkusBookReview ( 科克斯书评 )

The New York Review of Books New York Review of Book New York Book Review NYRB ( 纽约书评 )

China Review International ( 中国研究书评 )

Book Page ( 书评专页 )

reviewer The Book Critic ( 书评家 )

Kirkus Reviews Kirkus ( 柯克斯书评 )

bid evaluation tender evaluation ( 标书评审 )

bid tabulation form tabulation of bids ( 标书评选表 )


1. Once it has that information, it finds out more reviews about that, or maybe New York Times has a sound overview on that, so you can actually hear, on a physical book, a review as sound.

译文:一旦找到数据, 它会找到书评, 或者,可能有个有声的简介, 你就可以, 在实体书上,听到 有声的书评.。

2. Your reviews aren't that good.


3. Well, i've read some of the reviews of your books.


4. No, i will not stop talking about a novel that blogcritics.org/reviews said was "a page-turner."

译文:不,我不会停止谈这本小说 部落客和书评都评论说 "令人爱不释手"。

5. Maybe i do remember those reviews.


6. i think he has the editor of The Book Review as a houseguest.

译文:我觉得有个"书评"杂志的编辑 暂住在他家。

7. People i know. - And it got good reviews.


8. Once the reviews are out, you'll be granted tender. - i earned that tender.


9. He wrote very, very positive reviews about himself. Surprise, surprise.


10. imagine a critic writing a review of "Prozac-and-pee."

译文:你能想像当书评写成 "摸你的方式"。

11. You don't do book talks at TED, but i'm going to have just one slide about my book, because there is one message in it which i think this group really needs to hear.

译文:在TED你不会想看书评,但是我只打出一张幻灯片 关于我的书,因为我想提到一点 我认为在座诸位有必要了解。

12. Well, i just hope Lance ito is a better judge than he is a book critic.

译文:我就希望兰斯·伊藤 Well, I just hope Lance Ito 比起做书评人来 能做个好的法官 is a better judge than he is a book critic.。

13. "No narrative unites these passages." New York Times Book Review.

译文:『支离破碎的拼凑』 书评。

14. You always memorize all of your reviews?


15. You got the cover of the book review this Sunday.

译文:你的书周日上了书评的封面 You got the cover of the book review this Sunday.。

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