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宫水三叶用英语怎么说 宫水三叶英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:16:44
  • 29

宫水三叶在英语中的翻译是"trefoil foamflower",还经常被译作threeleaf,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到80个与宫水三叶相关的译文和例句。


1. trefoil foamflower

2. threeleaf

3. mitsuba

4. water shamrock

宫水三叶翻译为water shamrock。

示例:Baby: Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water.
婴儿:Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water



1. trefoil foamflower(三叶黄水枝)

2. mitsuba( 三叶;三叶电机;三叶芹)

3. threeleaf(三叶)

4. water clover( 水三叶草)

5. water shamrock( 水三叶草)


1. Clover and alfalfa are highly nutritious food plants for bees.


2. i always said you were born in a field of shamrocks.


3. it's called a trilobite. it's a very complex organism.

译文:叫作三叶虫 具有非常复杂的结构。

4. You don't believe that, wipe your ass with a four-leaf clover.

译文:你不信的话 还是用4片叶子的三叶草擦吧。

5. it learned to move and began to see. The first eyes grew on trilobites.


6. it has a funny tri-lobal shape at the bottom, which contains the aortic valve.

译文:在它的底部有一个有趣的三叶形形状, 其中包含主动脉瓣。

7. They were very sophisticated.

译文:非常地精密 三叶虫是最早的一种能感知形状。

8. So now, if you want to find trilobites, get yourself a good geological map and go to the rocks of the Paleozoic.

译文:好吧,如果你现在想找三叶虫, 先要有一张好的地图, 寻找古生代的岩石。

9. She's my granddaughter, Mizuha.


10. Thought i might find a shamrock or AB.


11. This shamrock... will be awarded to the winner as a symbol of my vote and love for this competion.

译文:这片三叶草... 将颁发给冠军 代表我对比赛的认可和喜爱。

12. Tomorrow when they bring that bruja to the church, it will be in a coffin made of cottonwood branches.

译文:当他们把明天 该BRUJA教会, 这将是做了一个棺材 三叶分支机构。

13. ½ from fields of clover to sweet carnation ½ ½ the colors of life now burst into view. ½

译文:从三叶草领域 甜蜜的康乃馨 生命的颜色 现在冲进视图。

14. Four-leaf clover-chocolate.


15. Trilobite. A species that became extinct 245 million years ago.


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