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扫描文件用英语怎么说 扫描文件英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:17:29
  • 36

扫描文件的英语是"scan documents",其次还可以说成"  Scanning documents",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与扫描文件相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. scan documents

扫描文件翻译为scan documents。

示例:最简单的方法是扫描文件并且仅包含 元素中的内容。
The easy fix was to scan the file and only include content from the element.


2.   Scanning documents

扫描文件翻译为   Scanning documents。

Scalable NAS storage devices must have a way for an antivirus function to perform scans on files intelligently, such as when they're opened or closed.


3.   Scan file

扫描文件翻译为   Scan file。

View the scanned file.


4. scan files

扫描文件翻译为scan files。

示例:- "Scan" it, Rupert. That's "scan" it.
That's "scan" it.



1. file scan(文件扫描)

2. scan file( 扫描文件)

3. scanned document(被扫描文件)

4. document scanner(件扫描器,文件扫描程序)

5. mark scanning document([计] 标民扫描文件)


gouldtoppm ( 转换扫描文件 )

Files scanned ( 扫描文件数 )

Scanned files ( 已扫描文件 )

scanned document ( 被扫描文件 )

scanning file content ( 扫描文件内容 )

Backup files scan ( 备份文件扫描 )

Scan of compound files ( 扫描压缩文件 )

Files scanned Files not scanned Use Extension List ( 扫描的文件 )

Document Scanner DocScanner sheet fed Scanner ( 文件扫描器 )


1. She scans it and she puts it in the bucket.


2. Here's the scanner going through, scanning the wound.

译文:这里是扫描机 来回扫描伤口。

3. Here's the scanner going through, scanning the wound.

译文:这里是扫描机 来回扫描伤口。

4. They had her scanned inside out.


5. AH right, just a sec. Scanning files, scanning files...

译文:好的 稍等 文件扫描中 找到了。

6. Notify CAT scan. We're gonna need a C.T. right away. Welcome home, buddy.

译文:通知CT扫描人员 我们需要马上做CT扫描。

7. They had her scanned inside out.


8. i am scanning the desert floor Using heat sensing satellites.

译文:我在用热感扫描卫星 扫描沙漠地区。

9. And what is that petition made out of? Paper, you moron!


10. Mind scan up on screen one, Colonel.

译文:一号扫描仪开始扫描大脑 长官。

11. He's waiting for the rests of a CAT scan that i'm taking tomorrow.

译文:他在等我明天剩余部分的CAT扫描的结果 【注: CAT 扫描电脑断层扫描/造影扫描】。

12. You sign, half-day scanning.

译文:签了这份文件就好 扫描只需用上半天的时间。

13. (Laughter) So you start with a book and then you scan it.

译文:首先扫描一本书 扫描就是。

14. - CT scans? - That sounds right.


15. i feel excellent, michael. Well, we're glad to hear it, kitt.

译文:我扫描了我的记忆文件 发现有缺口。

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