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一样的中号用英语怎么说 一样的中号英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:18:14
  • 24

一样的中号用英语说"every bit as",还经常被译作equiform,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与一样的中号相关的释义和例句。


1. every bit as

一样的中号翻译为every bit as。

示例:♪ and the beast was every bit as fat ♪
"那怪兽真是头庞然大物" ? and the beast was every bit as fat ?


2. equiform

3. trancelike


示例:The Berserkers of Old Norse literature were known for fighting in a bloodthirsty and trancelike state.
古挪威语文献中的熊皮武士[The Berserkers] The Berserkers of Old Norse literature were known 以嗜血专注的战斗状态著称 for fighting in a bloodthirsty and trancelike state.


4. equirotal


1. equiform(a. 形状一样的, 作用一样的)

2. rusan(迷一样的)

3. equirotal(a. 大小一样的, 直径一样的)

4. every bit as(完全一样)

5. trancelike(像出神了一样, 像发呆一样)


1. The next 13 days will be like going into war.

译文:出征一样 打仗一样。

2. Medium, large, and super size.

译文:中号. 大号.。

3. We'll meet in the middle. - it's down there.

译文:我们长着一样的手 一样的耳垂。

4. - it's the same thing. - it's not the same thing.

译文:都是一样的 不一样的。

5. i'll take you through it step by step.


6. Same thing around these parts.


7. All the same height, same build.

译文:一样的身高 一样的身材。

8. She's the same age, the same physical type.

译文:一样的年龄 一样的体格。

9. Same speech, different outcome.

译文:一样的教育 不一样的结果。

10. They both voted the same, drank the same beer, smoked the same cigarettes.

译文:他们都投一样的, 喝啤酒一样, 熏香烟一样。

11. How is this "same as before"?

译文:一样? 这又怎么一样。

12. Whoa. i'm with you, i'm with you!


13. Same parents, same background...

译文:.. 一样的父母, 一样的成长背景...。

14. (Laughter) Same color, same message, same words.

译文:(笑) 一样的颜色,一样的讯息,一样的措词。

15. The same of as your father's. The same as yours.

译文:和你父亲一样 和你的也一样。

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