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年初五用英语怎么说 年初五的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:18:14
  • 27

年初五通常被翻译为"  Early in the"的意思,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到24个与年初五相关的译文和例句。


1.   Early in the

年初五翻译为   Early in the。

New home spent a night after the lunar year, from the fifth, my wife has been to accompany her parents.



1. fifth day( 第五天;初五;第五日)

2. year to dates(年初至今)

3. years to date(年初至今)

4. elderly primiparity(高年初产)

5. puppy love(早年初恋)


1. in a fire, the first 5 minutes count. in a test, it's the last 5 minutes.

译文:考试最后的五分钟的时间 就象救火时候的最初五分钟一样重要。

2. Stop playing around, i'll see you on the 5th

译文:别闹了 , 初五我就来接你。

3. We've been saving this money since the beginning of the year.


4. Listen, call me at the beginning of next year.

译文:听着 明年年初联系我。

5. 4th at the beginning, Queen seed 5th at the beginning, Oracle a concubine of an emperor seed

译文:初四日,皇后留种 初五日,谕嫔留种。

6. Every year at this time, on May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival

译文:每届都在初五 五月初五作为端午节。

7. Come on, look, he started the year married to someone else.


8. Eventually, we were able to trace back this version of STUXnet to ground zero, to the first five infections in the world.

译文:最终,我们能够追溯到最新版病毒的归零点 找出世界上,最初五个感染地点。

9. it's from Michigan earlier this year.


10. When he passed away earlier this year,


11. Maybe he went to work early.


12. Much better. i know he had some rough spots... earlier this year, but i really think... that he's starting to turn a corner.

译文:好多了。我知道年初 他受到打击。

13. "Margaret is married since the frost of this year last." "You wouldn't know it, for how could you?


14. On the fifth day of the sixth month


15. We limit enrollment to the beginning of the year.


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