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金属片用英语怎么说 金属片的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:18:26
  • 27

金属片的英语可以这样说:sheetmetal,在日常中也可以翻译为"  [材] Sheet metal",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到52个与金属片相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. sheetmetal


In many other cultures, people put noise- objects--from taps to castanets to beads--on their bodies or clothes while they dance.


2.   [材] Sheet metal

金属片翻译为   [材] Sheet metal。

In many other cultures, people put noise- objects--from taps to castanets to beads--on their bodies or clothes while they dance.


3.   sequined

金属片翻译为   sequined。

Originally they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center, so that a piece of string could keep them together.


4.   Metal Ss

金属片翻译为   Metal Ss。

示例:Who's my good boy? Sit. Sit, Ss, sit.



1. sheetmetal(金属片)

2. strip of metal(金属片)

3. sheet metal(金属片\n[机] 金属片)

4. spangle(闪光金属片 )

5. lamellule(小金属片)


Bimetal elements steam trap ( 双金属片式疏水阀 )

coated metal sheet west bank coated metal sheet ( 涂层金属片 )

bimetallic strip ( 双金属片 )

Bimetallic strip gage ( 双金属片计 )

bimetallic strip relay ( 双金属片继电器 电 )

bimetallic strip ( 双层金属片 )

latten leaf splint ( 薄金属片 )

metal plaque ( 随手拣起金属片 )


1. And then, we want to make an adhesive bond, or joint, and so we take another piece of metal and we put it on there and just position it.

译文:我们想要制作一个黏性 纽带或黏合点, 所以我们取另一个金属片, 把它放在那里,只是调整位置。

2. The blades are going the other way.

译文:金属片在向反方向旋转 The plates are going the other way.。

3. Look, Novacek wa and smoking... flying straight and level.

译文:还能飞得很直很水平 一块金属片就该能要了他的命。

4. Yes. The doctors saved his life by putting a metal plate in his head.

译文:是的 医生们在他脑袋里放一块金属片救了他的命。

5. So if a single atom can be in two different places at the same time, that chunk of metal can be in two different places, then why not you?

译文:所以如果单个原子能同时处于不同的两个位置, 那金属片也能处于不同的两个位置, 那么为什么你不能呢。

6. Andie, do you see any patches or insignia anywhere on my clothing?

译文:我要了解这家伙 安蒂,你有看见什么金属片或证章。

7. The metal plate helped him endure most hits.


8. So it would all be built in stone, in French limestone, except for this metal piece.

译文:这些都会有石材建成,法国石灰石 除了这一片采用金属。

9. That means that every atom is in two different places at the same time, which in turn means the entire chunk of metal is in two different places.

译文:这意味着每个原子 在同一时间在两个不同的地方, 进一步说明整个金属片 在两个位置。

10. Maybe a little corrugated sheet metal as a radiator here.

译文:也许一点褶皱的金属片 作散热器放这儿。

11. Now, all alone in the elevator, the little chunk of metal is free to act however it wanted.

译文:现在,在电梯里, 小金属片可以做任何它想做的事。

12. - Three, push metal plate 2 x 23 in...

译文:- 第三步,把金属片推进2 x 23。

13. i don't think razor sharp pieces of metal at the bottom of my feet are for me.

译文:我不认为剃须刀 锋利的金属片 在底部的我的 脚是我。

14. the fragment of a zip, a splinter of metal..."

译文:一段拉链 一片金属..."。

15. He'd collect things-- dirt, metals, plastics... hubcaps, plants, musical strings... medical tools-- anything you could think of.

译文:他四处搜集东西 土坏、金属片、塑胶... 轮胎盖、琴弦... 医疗工具 简直是包罗万象。

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