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相溶性用英语怎么说 相溶性的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:21:40
  • 30

相溶性的英语为"  miscibility",其次还可以说成"intermiscibility",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到63个与相溶性相关的释义和例句。


1.   miscibility

相溶性翻译为   miscibility。

Glycine betaine is one of important compatible micromolecule organics.


2. intermiscibility


It has good miscibility with other building additives.


3. solubility -

相溶性翻译为 solubility -。

High aromatic hydrocarbon oil could be dissolved easily in the high Mooney viscosity BR.


4.   intermiscibility


1. processing solution(相溶液)

2. solutrope([机] 相溶物)

3. phase solubility([机] 相溶解度)

4. enteric solubility(肠溶性)

5. gastric solubility(胃溶性)


man histocompatibility complex ( 人类组织相溶性复合物 )

major histocompatibility complex MHC ( 主组织相溶性复合体 )

intermiscibility ( 牋牋相溶性 )

major histoo ompatibility complex ( 主要组织相溶性复合体 )

major histocompatibility complex ( 组织相溶性复合体 )

Good additive solubility ( 良好的添加剂相溶性能 )

compatible solute ( 相容性溶质 )


1. Since they don't mix they work hard not to mix and so there's heat which is why it shines.

译文:因为它们不相溶 水和油就很难溶解到一块儿 这样就产生热量 所以靴子就亮了。

2. The dolphins eat the fish that have PCBs from the plankton, and those PCBs, being fat-soluble, accumulate in these dolphins.

译文:海豚吃了小鱼 小鱼从浮游生物那里得到了PCB分子, 这些脂溶性的PCB分子 就富集在了海豚体内。

3. All we have to do is highlight its spectacular features and blend in with them.


4. - The paint is water-based. it'll be fine.


5. As plastics sit there being compressed amongst layers of other junk, rainwater flows through the waste and absorbs the water-soluble compounds it contains, and some of those are highly toxic.

译文:塑料与其他的垃圾一层层累积, 当雨水流经这些垃圾时, 会吸收其中的水溶性化合物, 而某些化合物是剧毒的。

6. What does them not mixing have to do with the shine?


7. Rumor was they tested dispersing water-based chemicals into the air but isn't that illegal?

译文:谣传说 这机器被用来将水溶性化合物散发到空气中 但这不是非法的吗。

8. Aerosol dispersant, that's what it said in the records.

译文:气溶性扩散 记录上有记载。

9. And ... and neutralize these chemicals make the water soluble to be ...

译文:并中和这些物质 是水溶性的。

10. God-father, the kid is not mine.

译文:她现在生的孩子一定与你无关 你和孩子的血一定不能相溶。

11. i set up the type, i printed it out on an Epson printer with water-soluble ink, taped it to the wall and threw a bucket of water at it. Presto!

译文:我设置了字型 然后用爱普生的 水溶性墨水打印出来 贴到墙上 再把一桶水浇上去 瞬间变样。

12. That dying wish became prophecy when our bloodlines merged on the battlefield.


13. "to wit, one, unless we are under attack by water-soluble aliens."

译文:即只能一个人 除非我们受到水溶性外星人袭击。

14. i set up the type, i printed it out on an Epson printer with water-soluble ink, taped it to the wall and threw a bucket of water at it. Presto!

译文:我设置了字型 然后用爱普生的 水溶性墨水打印出来 贴到墙上 再把一桶水浇上去 瞬间变样。

15. Unlike the lead in paint, tetraethyl lead was fat soluble.

译文:和油漆中的铅不同 四乙基铅是脂溶性的 Unlike the lead in paint, tetraethyl lead was fat soluble.。

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