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一雄多雌用英语怎么说 一雄多雌英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:23:06
  • 39

一雄多雌的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  [动] polygamy,还经常被译作polygamy,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到98个与一雄多雌相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   [动] polygamy

一雄多雌翻译为   [动] polygamy。

In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.


2. polygamy


示例:'Cause in nature, there's everything from polygamy to, like, a .
因为从本质上来说 多配偶 能衍生出很多 比如像



1. harem pen mating(一雄多雌配种)

2. monnous(一雄多雌的)

3. monothelious(一雌多雄的)

4. monothely(一雌多雄的)

5. polyallel crossing(多雄同雌异时配种, 多雄同雌(异时)配种)


polygamous ( 一雄多雌的 动 )

polygyny ( 一雄多雌制 )

female defense polygamy ( 保卫雌兽的一雄多雌制 )

polyandry monothelious ( 一雌多雄 动 )

polyandrous ( 一雌多雄的 )

polyandry ( 一雌多雄配合 )

Jacana spinosa ( 一雌多雄距翅水雉 )


1. That's where the females lure the males with their feromones.

译文:因为雌蝴蝶要在松树林里 用它的分泌物吸引雄蝴蝶。

2. You can engineer a prairie vole to become monogamous when it's naturally polygamous.

译文:本性上是一雄多雌制的草原田鼠,经过改造后, 可变为一雄一雌制。

3. The female is now in heat again, and any male that smells her signature will know that.

译文:雌雪豹此时又到了期 雄雪豹只需闻到她的信号便会知晓。

4. The males hold court in a unique way.


5. You can engineer a prairie vole to become monogamous when it's naturally polygamous.

译文:本性上是一雄多雌制的草原田鼠,经过改造后, 可变为一雄一雌制。

6. Sea urchins, male and female, released their seed into the water at the same time.

译文:雄的和雌的海胆同时将 排放到水中。

7. For 100 years, entomologists... searched for the male of this one... and the female of this one.

译文:100年来,昆虫学者都在寻找这只雄的 以及这只雌的。

8. it's the females, i think, that lay the eggs, and then the males fertilize them.

译文:我想,应该是雌青蛙产, 雄青蛙使他们受精。

9. To cement their relationship, the male steps out with his female.

译文:为了巩固它们的关系 雄企鹅跟雌企鹅走出行列。

10. This male moth doesn't go in search of females.


11. Yusuke, Yusuke, Yusuke... Yusuke, Yusuke, Yusuke...


12. it's the females, i think, that lay the eggs, and then the males fertilize them.

译文:我想,应该是雌青蛙产, 雄青蛙使他们受精。

13. A young male emerges from the wilderness, eager to find her.

译文:一只年轻雄雪豹在荒野中出现 迫切地想要找到雌雪豹。

14. it's perfect, Spock. A male and a female humpback in a contained space.

译文:太棒了 雌鲸和雄鲸在同一个池子里。

15. in the evening both males and females gather and the males begin to size one another up, eyeball to eyeball.

译文:傍晚时雄虫和雌虫聚在一起 雄虫开始大眼瞪小眼地 彼此打量。

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