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单脚用英语怎么说 单脚的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:26:22
  • 2

单脚在英语中的翻译是"  bar",还可以翻译为crusosscum simplex,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到19个与单脚相关的译文和例句。


1.   bar

单脚翻译为   bar。

She was standing on one foot.


2. crusosscum simplex

单脚翻译为crusosscum simplex。

She pirouetted across the stage.


3. one foot

单脚翻译为one foot。

I hopped down three steps.


4.   One foot

单脚翻译为   One foot。

示例:No one steps foot in this sanctum.
没有人可以侵犯圣殿 No one steps foot in this sanctum.



1. halfer(单脚)

2. singlefooted( 单脚)

3. singlefoots( 单脚)

4. foot support phase(单脚支撑阶段)

5. Haines spin(单脚蹲转)


FOTOMATE ( 单脚架 )

hop Jump on one foot Hopping to hop ( 单脚跳 )

odd-leg calipers leg calipers ( 单脚规 )

Hop A Little ( 单脚跳一跳 )

stand on one foot A leg to stand on e.g. stand on one foot ( 单脚站立 )

back in loop change loop ( 后内单脚结环形 )

half gantry crane semi-portal crane semi portal half portal crane ( 单脚高架起重机 )

Haines spin ( 单脚蹲转 )

paragraph loop loop change loop ( 单脚结环形 )


1. A Bible salesman lures a one-legged philosopher into a barn.

译文:一位圣经销售员引诱一位 单脚哲学家进入一个粮仓。

2. Jet-powered s board.


3. Stand with one foot in front holding the other one 6 inches off the ground, parallel to the ground.

译文:单脚站立 另外一只脚抬离地面6寸 跟地面平行。

4. So don't try to stick your foot in a bucket of water and hop across the line.

译文:所以也就甭想一脚放进水桶 然后单脚跳着逃走。

5. So she just spent the whole shift hopping around on one foot?


6. Just relax. Try to use one foot.


7. He don't care how many one-legged pushups you can do.


8. What, is this about Geoffrey skipping?


9. if these gentlemen are , then i'm a one-legged parrot.

译文:如果这俩人是男同 那我就是单脚鹦鹉。

10. in the third act of "Swan Lake," the Black Swan pulls off a seemingly endless series of turns, bobbing up and down on one pointed foot and spinning around, and around, and around 32 times.

译文:在《天鹅湖》的第三幕中 黑天鹅完成了一个似乎无止境的连续旋转 用单脚足尖交替支撑,放平 然后一直转啊转 一共32圈。

11. Yes. i noticed he was hopping when he left.


12. Prove it. Stand on one foot.


13. Jeezaloo, look at Geoffrey.

译文:老天爷爷, 看Geoffrey啊 他在单脚跳。

14. Bent knee pose Bend one leg, and tuck the toes of the bent leg behind the opposite knee.

译文:屈膝姿势 单脚屈曲 曲脚的脚趾收在另一脚膝盖内侧。

15. (Laughter) Now if it were really a show-off, it would be hopping on one foot, but, you know.

译文:(笑声) 如果它确实很喜欢炫耀, 就会展示单脚跳了, 不过还没到那种程度。

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