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两院院士用英语怎么说 两院院士英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:26:34
  • 30

两院院士的英语可以这样说:academicians -,还网络中常译为"academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到38个与两院院士相关的短语释义和例句。


1. academicians -

两院院士翻译为 academicians -。

I was in the recently held conference academicians praise you.


2. academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering

两院院士翻译为academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering。

Both houses of southwest jiaotong university, professor ShenZhiYun ysis.



1. bicameralism(议会两院制 )

2. bicameral(议会两院制的 )

3. bicameralist(议会两院制的)

4. national academician(国立研究院院士)

5. joint economic committee([财]两院联合经济委员会)


1. At the same time, there was congressional testimony in front of both houses of Congress in the United States, looking at the role of bots in the spread of misinformation.

译文:1,在美国国会两院前 进行的国会作证 提到了机器人账号(注:一种使用 自动化脚本执行大量简单任务的软件) 在传播虚假信息时的作用。

2. And of course, we have a pair of on-site nutritionists.

译文:当然 我们还有两位驻院营养学家。

3. No, we'll have a select committee to vet every application, and no surveillance to last over two weeks without a further application.

译文:不 要由两院设置特别委员会 上院法官核准 No, we'll have a select committee to vet every application, 每延长2周 需重新申请 no surveillance to last over two weeks without application。

4. Maybe your academician is already dead?


5. Where they have no place is where the men are: in the Forum, in the Law Court, or in the Senate House.

译文:她们没有地位 在任何男人在的地方: 论坛上, 法院上, 或参众两院上。

6. Al Gore made presentations in the House and the Senate as an expert witness.


7. There are only two orphanages in the region.


8. Why isn't Grandpa a member of the Academy of Sciences?


9. -Are you a member of the Academy?


10. i'll make sure that you won't be promoted into the Da Mor Hall.


11. i believe the academicians.


12. And he wrote to the academicians in Paris, trying to explain his theory.

译文:随后他写信给巴黎的院士, 尝试解释他的理论。

13. There were five of them here. They couldn't all have died.


14. We can't let the Republicans control both houses of Congress.


15. Convalescent homes, hospitals, residences.

译文:疗养院、医院 、住家。

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