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出口成章用英语怎么说 出口成章英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:29:15
  • 28

出口成章的英语是"have an outstanding eloquence",还网络中常译为"  The flowers",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到52个与出口成章相关的译文和例句。


1. have an outstanding eloquence

出口成章翻译为have an outstanding eloquence。

I've always pride of myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, are most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of inflicting injury and remedies.


2.   The flowers

出口成章翻译为   The flowers。

Fourth, , repeated the exercise several times to introduce to you the contents of skilled, Chukouchengzhang.



1. quipsters( 出口成章)

2. nodewise( 顺理成章)

3. rescuant( 顺理成章)

4. exit(出口 )

5. export(出口 )


1. i will step in as leader of the Caesarian party.

译文:我就会顺理成章 继任凯撒派的领袖。

2. We are still exporting commodities, and exporting commodities is what? it's exporting jobs.

译文:我们仍然出口商品, 而出口商业等于什么? 等于出口就业岗位。

3. You better -can that blasphemy, boy.


4. it's a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port.

译文:它是热排气出口 就在主要出口之下。

5. Cover the exits, all of them.

译文:看住出口 所有出口。

6. Access panel... in the floor.


7. The exit. Where's the exit?

译文:出口 出口在哪里呢。

8. Service entrance "B" is secure.

译文:b出口没人 检查A出口。

9. Thought they just came down from the holy spirit, like a dove.

译文:还以为你们都能出口成章 犹如神鸽降临呢。

10. God, it's no wonder i don't excel in history.

译文:顺理成章 怪不得我历史这般差。

11. Seems fitting, doesn't it?

译文:看起来似乎顺理成章 , 对吧。

12. All, so you could take Suzanne.


13. And then naturally, we bang.


14. [Stacie] There's got to be an opening!


15. You are knowledgeable, you're a good talker, and when you need to, you can grow a very handsome neck beard.

译文:你博学多识 出口成章 要是你愿意 还能蓄上帅呆的大胡子。

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