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表达情感用英语怎么说 表达情感英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:29:40
  • 29

表达情感的英语是"  Express feelings",还网络中常译为"  express emotion",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到90个与表达情感相关的译文和例句。


1.   Express feelings

表达情感翻译为   Express feelings。

Writing is a good tool for expressing feelings.


2.   express emotion

表达情感翻译为   express emotion。

The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


3.   expressing emotions

表达情感翻译为   expressing emotions。

Men process and express emotions differently than women.


4. express emotion

表达情感翻译为express emotion。

示例:And like us, they express degrees of emotion.
简而言之,它们与我们一样 也是活生生的



1. expressing feelings( 表达情感;情感表达;表达感情)

2. expressing emotion( 情感表达)

3. emotional investment(情感投入;情感投资)

4. hyperthymergasia(情感过盛, 情感活泼)

5. negative affect(负面情感、负向情感)


words to express feelings ( 表达情感的词汇 )

Making complaints and expressing emotions ( 抱怨投诉和表达情感 )

Expressing emotions appropriately ( 恰当地表达情感 )

Expression of Feelings Chapter Two expressed emotion Expressing feelings and emotions ( 情感表达 )

express his feelings ( 表达感情 )

Expressing Feeling & Attitudes ( 表达情感 态度 )

Physical Displays of Affection ( 身体表达情感 )

To let your feelings show ( 去表达你的感情 )


1. i'm just saying if you ever want to explore your other feelings, there's no extra postage.


2. When we begin to read, we begin to find the words.

译文:在我们开始读书时, 我们就开始找到了表达情感的文字。

3. You don't want to get wrapped up


4. Turns out it was capable of expressing emotions beyond the ability of words.

译文:它能表达语言不能描述 的情感。

5. Sybok has put us in touch with feelings we've always been afraid to express.

译文:西波克让我们面对 我们一直不敢表达的情感。

6. They show emotions around women, like that.


7. And so this function of emotions suggests that, in addition to any other purpose they serve, they're a kind of primitive form of communication.

译文:情感的这一功能 就表示除了其他的作用之外, 情感也是一种原始的表达方式。

8. And this book shows actors how to move every muscle in the body to match every kind of emotion that they want to express.

译文:这本书教演员 如何调动他们身体上的每块肌肉 来表达他们想要表达的情感。

9. So that's the visceral level.

译文:在设计上 你可以通过不同的方式去表达这样的情感。

10. Sometimes guys have a hard time showing their emotions.

译文:有时候要男生表达情感 并不容易。

11. Ulrike has a most original way of expressing herself.


12. And finally No.5 - i have trouble expressing my emotions.

译文:最后第五点 我表达情感有问题。

13. (Laughter) How it might show emotions, how it might fight.


14. And so this function of emotions suggests that, in addition to any other purpose they serve, they're a kind of primitive form of communication.

译文:情感的这一功能 就表示除了其他的作用之外, 情感也是一种原始的表达方式。

15. Oh, well, he was bad with emotion.


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