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诱因用英语怎么说 诱因的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:30:26
  • 25

诱因用英语说"  predisposition",还经常被译作23 Both the environmental problem and the situation of economic development in west region probably,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到37个与诱因相关的释义和例句。


1.   predisposition

诱因翻译为   predisposition。

The gene is only part of the causation of illness.


2. 23 Both the environmental problem and the situation of economic development in west region probably

诱因翻译为 23 Both the environmental problem and the situation of economic development in west region probably。

At the same time, they would break the illegal excavator's grip on the market, thereby decreasing the inducement to engage in illegal activities.


3.   inducement

诱因翻译为   inducement。

So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.


4. inducement -

诱因翻译为 inducement -。

示例:And is there no financial inducement that could convince you to do the honorable thing, George?
乔治 不行是因为钱少 And is there no financial inducement George?



1. extrinsic incentive(外在诱因)

2. group motivation(团队诱因)

3. incentive based regulation(诱因管制)

4. incentive contract(诱因契约)

5. incentive contracts(诱因契约)


positive incentive positive inducement ( 正诱因 )

learning incentive Multi-progressive learning incentives ( 学习诱因 )

negative incentive ( 负诱因 )

Economic Incentive ( 经济诱因 )

incentive theory ( 诱因论 )

incentive value ( 诱因价 )

With no inducing factors ( 无诱因下 )

selective incentives ( 选择性诱因 )

incentive structure inducement structure ( 诱因结构 )


1. - What do you think caused it?

译文:- 你觉得诱因是什么。

2. -But there's nothing holding me.N-Trust me.

译文:但没有诱因啊 相信我。

3. So i get up, wander around.

译文:这次失眠发作有什么特殊诱因吗 Anything specific that triggered it this time。

4. Controlled experiments have shown that optimism is not only related to success, it leads to success.

译文:对照试验表明 乐观不仅与成功有关, 更是成功的诱因。

5. And far and away the biggest trigger for all sibling fights is property.

译文:而对所有兄弟姐妹来说, 争斗最大的诱因就是财产。

6. Some believe it will act as the trigger for the Third impact.

译文:没错 它还被称为引发第三次冲击的诱因。

7. it's the second highest contributor to climate change.


8. So want to have fun, they must use very enticing.


9. John, you want to watch this later? Mary: Save him.

译文:my brother has embarked on a 我正在努力找出诱因 and I am endeavouring to find out what triggered it.。

10. Remember i said there Was a secondary trigger?

译文:记得吗 我说过还有第二层诱因。

11. it's built much more around intrinsic motivation.


12. We found our Secondary trigger.


13. - Triggered what was already there.


14. These symptoms are triggered when the heart loses out on oxygen-rich blood flow.

译文:这些症状的诱因是 心脏得不到氧气充足的血流。

15. These platforms have an incentive

译文:这些平台 有诱因。

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