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哀叹用英语怎么说 哀叹的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:32:36
  • 44

哀叹的英语是"  Lament",还可以翻译为  deplore,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到89个与哀叹相关的释义和例句。


1.   Lament

哀叹翻译为   Lament。

"Child, I cannot see anything," lamented the old woman.


2.   deplore

哀叹翻译为   deplore。

Yet Walmart's year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent, leading its CEO to lament "Growth here is too slow."


3. bemoan


Overcome with shame and grief, they tried to cry and bemoan their fate.


4.   bewail


1. lamenteth( 哀叹)

2. sing woe(悲叹,哀叹)

3. sorrowest(n.\n苦恼,忧愁,忧伤,悲伤,悲哀,伤心\n悲叹,哀叹;痛哭,恸哭\n悲伤(或忧愁)的原因\n令人懊恼(或悔恨)的事情;伤心事\n歉疚,懊悔\n[the sorrow][苏格兰、爱尔兰英语][用作加强语气词] = sorra\nvi.\n感到悲伤(at, for, over);(对人)表示伤感(for):\nto sorrow at a bad news\n对噩耗感到悲伤\ni sorrow for his death.\n我对他的去世感到伤心。\n哀痛,哀悼 (after, for):\nT)


signmournfully sign mournfully ( 悲哀叹息 )

we sang of the grief ( 曾与你唱响着哀叹 )

Mary's Lament ( 玛丽的哀叹 )

Us laments We lament with Together we lament ( 我们一起哀叹 )

arrow of moaning and groaning ( 哀叹之箭 )

a lament Lament with Sigh ( 一起哀叹 )

lament incessantly ( 哀叹不已 )


1. Each little snail here know how to wail here


2. And i have a collection, probably 10 or 15 headlines, from highbrow magazines deploring the fact that the arts are in decline in our time.

译文:我从格调高雅的杂志上 收集了大概10到15条头条, 哀叹我们时代的 艺术在衰败这一事实。

3. Anger, grief, hurt and kill.

译文:愤怒 哀叹 伤害 杀戮。

4. Those who lament over the barbarism that comes out of barbarism are like those who wish to eat meat but dislike the sight of blood.

译文:这些哀叹野蛮主义的人出自野蛮, 就像这些想吃肉,但不喜欢见血的人。

5. Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer.

译文:神啊 我哀叹的时候 求你听我的声音。

6. He said that all people with this illness died, and if any of you have seen the film "Lorenzo's Oil," there's a scene when the protagonist kind of rolls down the stairway crying and bemoaning the fate of his son, and that's exactly how we felt about Jenesis.

译文:他说所有得了这个病的人都去世了, 你们如果看过那个叫 “罗伦佐的油”的电影, 有一幕是主角从楼梯上滚下来, 为他儿子的命运哭泣和哀叹, 我们当时对吉纳赛斯 的感受和他完全一样。

7. So, so, don't mourn -- organize.


8. And i have a collection, probably 10 or 15 headlines, from highbrow magazines deploring the fact that the arts are in decline in our time.

译文:我从格调高雅的杂志上 收集了大概10到15条头条, 哀叹我们时代的 艺术在衰败这一事实。

9. - People are lamenting being 28, Chris?

译文:大家都在哀叹28岁的到来吧 克里斯。

10. "As the poets have mournfully sung


11. They believe that trees are imperfect men... eternally bemoaning their imprisonment... the roots that keep them stuck in one place.

译文:他们相信树是不完美的男人 永远哀叹着他们的牢狱生活 它们的根把他们固定在一个地方。

12. She died after giving birth, lamenting the time wasted closed in a bedroom to scape the mosquitoes, read romantic novels and heal a chronic headache.

译文:她母亲生下她后就去世了 死前哀叹自己在卧室里浪费的光阴 卧室封闭 以避蚊虫。

13. Some dummy or other has only to bemoan his fate on the stage and everyone starts weeping!

译文:有的蠢货在舞台上为自己的命运哀叹... ... ......。

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