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中国建设银行用英语怎么说 中国建设银行英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:33:20
  • 26

中国建设银行的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  China Construction Bank,在日常中也可以翻译为"  CCB",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与中国建设银行相关的译文和例句。


1.   China Construction Bank

中国建设银行翻译为   China Construction Bank。

Today, China Construction Bank Corporation reported a 31 percent increase in profits on higher loan demand and higher interest rates.


2.   CCB

中国建设银行翻译为   CCB。

CCB has yet to finalise its plans but it is likely to issue new equity too.


3. CCB


The opening ceremony of the New York branch of CCB was held on Friday.


4. China Construction Bank

中国建设银行翻译为China Construction Bank。

示例:Hi, Damian Tremblay, this is my construction site.
this is my construction site.



1. bankofchina(中国银行;中国银号;中国银行表示)

2. CiB(中国兴业银行)

3. moon gate((中国建筑中的)月洞门)

4. English architecture(英国建筑)

5. French architecture(法国建筑)


CCB Head Office ( 中国建设银行总行 )

China Construction Bank Dongguan Branch ( 中国建设银行东莞分行 )

China Construction Bank Hebei Branch ( 中国建设银行河北分行 )

China Construction Bank Dalian Branch ( 中国建设银行大连分行 )


1. Besides, the Bank of China left the interest rates unchanged.


2. China's building 300 new cities in the next 20 years.

译文:中国在将来的20年内 建设300座新城市。

3. The one on the left is New York, and the one on the right is Tianjin, a Chinese city that's being constructed.

译文:左边的是纽约, 右边的是天津, 一个正在建设的中国城市。

4. So here in New York, i urge you, my fellow Americans, to help us make America great again.

译文:在此,我敦促大家,我亲爱的美国同胞们,让我们在纽约 一起把美国建设得更加富强。

5. if it was up to me we'd jack it all in now, go back to England and start a family.


6. You'll be running the Bank of China in no time.

译文:后天就把中国银行 搬到他们家。

7. The Christian monastery seems to have adopted typical Chinese architecture.

译文:这座教的修道院似乎采 用了典型的中国建筑风格。

8. We lay out the building areas.


9. Sent to colonize the place for England.


10. i plan to build a younger and stronger republic.

译文:我们会透过这次战争 将共和国建设成为一个。

11. Today, generations are looking at China and saying, "China can produce infrastructure, China can produce economic growth, and we like that."

译文:今天,几代人正看着中国 并说:"中国可以建设基础设施, 中国可以创造经济增长, 我们喜欢那样的。

12. How does Vice President of Jeguk Construction sound?


13. Japan is going to break diplomatic ties with Taiwan... when they recognize Red China.

译文:日本要跟断绝外交关系 跟中国建交。

14. The USSR will, at the earliest time possible, set up diplomatic relations with the new regime

译文:苏联将会第一个 与新的中国建立外交关系。

15. So then we went forward and built our production line in China.


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