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因由用英语怎么说 因由的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:34:30
  • 27

因由用英语说"  cause",还网络中常译为"  origin",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到52个与因由相关的译文和例句。


1.   cause

因由翻译为   cause。

He was forced to retreat by the resulting turmoil.


2.   origin

因由翻译为   origin。

Be wary of minimalism as an aesthetic decision without cause.


3. reason


The gene is activated by a specific protein.


4. cause


示例:'Cause it was in Bobcaygeon
'Cause it was in Bobcaygeon



1. forcause( 因由)


“Story of Jetavana” The Story of Jetavana ( 衹园因由记 )

cause of action ( 诉讼因由 )

Sino-French Water Development ( 协议因由中法水务 )

actio libera in causa Cause Free ( 原因自由行为 )

for one reason or another ( 因某种理由 )

just cause ( 公正因由 )

satisfaction of the cause of action ( 了结诉讼因由 )

an order to show cause ( 令提出反对因由的命令 )

because of on account of ( 因为 由于 )


1. No one ever even asked me why that was.


2. Once i realized what it was, but when it was happening, i was living in a nightmare.

译文:等我发现因由后 它消失了 但在当时 我就像活在噩梦中。

3. So why do you carry a the knife with you?


4. "Armstrong explained the brutal reality of their situation: they paid 1,500 shillings in rent, about 20 bucks a month, a relatively high price for a Kenyan shantytown, and they could not afford to be late with the money.

译文:Armstrong解释了他们残酷现实的因由, 他们付1500先令房租,大约20头公羊每个月, 如此高额的佣金付给肯尼亚临时破社区, 然而他们无法承担起如此高额的费用.。

5. Mr. Hsiao just asked the reason first

译文:萧先生 刚才问冤鬼缠身的因由。

6. Do not need further explanation just know the time, place, object

译文:我从来不问因由 只问时间 地点 何人。

7. My 5th grade teacher told me that genius is getting from A to D without having to go through B and C.

译文:我的五年级老师告诉我, 基因由A到D组成... ...而隐形时只有B和C。

8. i guess you have your reasons to be bitter.

译文:我想你的挖苦 是有因由的。

9. it seems hundreds of healthy immigrants just died in their sleep without cause.

译文:似乎成千上百的健康移民 就毫无因由地死于梦中。

10. You are seeing what is actually occurring... for the purpose of causality violation.

译文:你所看到的将会真实发生... 一切皆因由而起。

11. We have identified that the unexplained mass deaths in recent months have been caused by mutant horsehair worms.

译文:最近发生在全国各地的死亡事件 经查实已确定其原因由铁线虫寄生而起。

12. But the real motivation behind his partition is not yet known.

译文:但当中因由 无从得知。

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