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内过程用英语怎么说 内过程的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:36:52
  • 20

内过程通常被翻译为"  [计] internal procedure"的意思,其次还可以说成"internal procedure",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到57个与内过程相关的翻译和例句。


1.   [计] internal procedure

内过程翻译为   [计] internal procedure。

It now appears that they also have an important influence on the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe.


2. internal procedure

内过程翻译为internal procedure。

Effective execution of processes in project: Teams need to bridge the gap between process engineering and process enactment by using similar representation and terminology.


3.   built procedure

内过程翻译为   built procedure。

You see, adult female birds during egg production produce a layer of spongy bone tissue inside certain long bones.



1. intraprocedural( 内;过程内)

2. endogenous process(内生过程)

3. internal procedure([计] 内过程)

4. process(过程)

5. inspection process(检验过程,审议过程)


process parameters in cylinder ( 缸内过程参数 )


Domestic Processed Output DPO ( 国内过程输出 )

procedural coincidental procedural cohesion coincidental logical procedural functional ( 过程内聚 )

internal procedure ( 内部过程 计 )

in-line procedure ( 内嵌过程 )

procedural coincidental ( 过程内聚偶然内聚 )

process of intercentral inhibition ( 内抑制过程 )


1. Now, is it possible to imagine a similar process to this, happening to global education overall?

译文:我们可以想象 一个和这个相似的过程 在全球的教育范围内发生。

2. it's a process, it's a process.

译文:It's a process, it's a process. Okay? 这是过程,是过程,是过程,懂了吗。

3. - All you do is treat me bad lt's a scandal, you and Diana Ross.

译文:嗨, 内特, 内特。

4. Mom loved the process, the acting.


5. Now, is it possible to imagine a similar process to this, happening to global education overall?

译文:我们可以想象 一个和这个相似的过程 在全球的教育范围内发生。

6. This armored behemoth undergoes a complex and unpredictable unloading procedure— a procedure which is displayed, in detail, on a screen within the engine car.

译文:这个庞然大物全副武装, 其卸货过程 非常复杂且不可—— 该过程详细显示在 发动机车厢内的屏幕上。

7. - [ Sarah ] Nate, oh, Nate.


8. Any accused disrupting the course of justice will be barred from the proceedings

译文:如有被告中断审判过程 将被驱逐出审判过程。

9. Ned! You! Ned, were you worried?

译文:内德 内德 内德 你当时害怕吗。

10. is this a get-to-know-each-other session or are we confronting each other?

译文:这是彼此了解的过程 还是对峙的过程。

11. it turns out that this is actually a complex problem that requires sophisticated coordination inside your brain.

译文:实际上,这个过程很复杂, 它需要大脑内复杂的配合。

12. And the whole band are the guys who are playing on the tracks.


13. And it's the process of learning things.


14. in Ethiopia, for example, this is done for 20 million children in a matter of weeks.

译文:例如在埃塞俄比亚, 这个治疗过程在几周内 就覆盖了 2 千万儿童。

15. Without angiogenesis, the tumor remains the size of a pinpoint and it's not harmful.


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