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受访者用英语怎么说 受访者的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:37:15
  • 28

受访者的英语为"interviewee",其次还可以说成"interviewer -",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到20个与受访者相关的译文和例句。


1. interviewee


Half of those surveyed say that the penalty should be as severe as that for drunk driving.


2. interviewer -

受访者翻译为 interviewer -。

About 68% of those surveyed disagree with the opinion that reading is boring or old-fashioned.


3.   Respondents

受访者翻译为   Respondents。

About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use."


4.   partint in a survey

受访者翻译为   partint in a survey。

示例:i'm going out to survey the site.
I'm going out to survey the site.



1. member check(受访者过泸;受访者确认)

2. questionees( 受访者)

3. respondants( 受访者)

4. respondee( 受访者)

5. respondees( 受访者)


a proportion of interviewees ( 一定比例的受访者 )

Recall or Reconsider ( 方式让受访者回顾 )

Respondent Profile ( 受访者分布情况 )

Postal Questionaires ( 受访者自填 )

Official Use ( 选出合适受访者 )

Respondent & Facility Snapshot (机构情况 )

respondent driven sampling ( 受访者驱动抽样 )

Respondent selection ( 受访者选择 )

Market research respondents ( 市场研究的受访者 )


1. And the first person he quotes says, "These boys will have to live with this the rest of their lives."

译文:记者引用的第一位受访者如是说: “这些男孩恐怕后半辈子都要活在这件事的阴影中了。”。

2. That was easy, but then i made the decision, maybe arbitrary, that they needed to be people of a certain age, which at that point, when i created this program, seemed really old.

译文:这个很容易,而之后的一个决定, 也许有些武断, 就是受访者应该都到了一定的年纪, 在我立项之初, 就决定被访群体主要是老人。

3. OK, here what i found interesting was that taste is at four, and many respondents told me it's because of the taste of drinks, but also, in some cases, kissing is a big part of the clubbing experience.

译文:好啦,这里我发现有趣的是 味觉给的是4。许多受访者告诉我 由于饮料的味道, 而且在某些情况下,接吻是泡吧体验的重要组成部分。

4. And the audience just -- you know, they're always on the side of the interviewee, and they felt that this was a kind of assault, but this was the question she had wanted somebody to ask her whole life.

译文:在场的观众——你也知道, 他们总是站在受访者一边, 他们觉得这个问题有攻击性, 但这个问题是她一生 一直想要被问到的问题。

5. Who makes a great interview in this context?


6. Because he fostered so many babies into this world.

译文:14个受访者 没有人有嫌疑。

7. it had nothing to do with their intellect, the quality of their intellect.

译文:这与受访者的才智没有关系, 他们的智商。

8. Now, there are other ways that you get somebody to open up, and this is just a brief reference.

译文:其实还有一些别的方法能让受访者敞开心扉, 这里我只能简单的提一下。

9. Now, there are other ways that you get somebody to open up, and this is just a brief reference.

译文:其实还有一些别的方法能让受访者敞开心扉, 这里我只能简单的提一下。

10. instead of polling large numbers of people with straightforward questions and quantifiable answers, the researchers conducted in-person interviews, sometimes with small groups, engaging them in more open discussions.

译文:研究者没有对大量人 进行直接提问 并给出量化的答案选项, 研究者选择了个人访谈, 有时以小组形式进行, 使受访者参与到更开放的讨论中。

11. 34 percent of Nigerian respondents cited drug misuse; 19 percent said divine wrath and the will of God -- (Laughter) 12 percent, witchcraft and spiritual possession.

译文:34%的尼日利亚受访者表示是药物滥用; 19%认为是神的愤怒和旨意—— (笑声) 12%认为 是巫术附身。

12. And i'm one of the respondents to the ad?

译文:而我的一个 受访者的广告。

13. Since when do you care what a source feels like after you get what you want, huh?


14. These were people through their 90s.


15. They may even be asked to do seemingly unrelated tasks, like imagining brands as animals in a zoo.

译文:受访者或许还会被要求完成 看上去毫不相关的任务, 例如, 将品牌想象成动物园里的动物。

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