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物流网用英语怎么说 物流网的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-05 15:18:50
  • 71

物流网的英语是"  WCAPN",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到43个与物流网相关的译文和例句。


1.   WCAPN

物流网翻译为   WCAPN。

A global transportation network optimized both for cost and risk considers multiple routes to markets.



1. driftnet(流网)

2. flow net(流网)

3. drift seine( 流网)

4. herring warp(流网纲)

5. norsals((流网)吊索)


trans-regional logistics network ( 跨区域物流网 )

logistics network distribution network network Logistics Net ( 物流网络 )

Regional Logistics Network ( 区域物流网络 )


1. i'm in the Royal Logistics Core... and i'm a chef.

译文:我在英国皇家物流核心... 我就是一个厨师。

2. This logistics center is a great idea.

译文:明明是搞盗版的, 居然能想出这么大的物流生意。

3. These are logistics elements that are tered across the United States.

译文:这些都是散布在美国各地的 物流系统的组成部分。

4. That's unlikely. - Our logistics company in the region is too small.

译文:这不太可能 我们当地的物流公司规模太小了。

5. There's logistical reasons for that, and there's medical reasons.

译文:这其中有物流原因, 也有医学原因。

6. Construction of your logistic center has been approved.

译文:你的物流中心, 上面已经同意批准你建。

7. These are logistics elements that are tered across the United States.

译文:这些都是散布在美国各地的 物流系统的组成部分。

8. Our company helps with the delivery of red wine

译文:我们的公司就是负责 这些红酒的物流和配送。

9. For as long as i remember, he's doing the logistics for the company here.

译文:自有印象以来 他就在这家公司做物流。

10. i heard he's going to a shipping company where hid Dad works in Kushiro.


11. As long as its source-streaming site is a ghost, it's untraceable.

译文:只要是你看见的串流网站 都是幽灵网站,无法追踪来源。

12. They keep your mess from spilling out and they keep it contained

译文:就是把粪尿包住 防止你的物流出来。

13. - But we still need to figure out some logistics.

译文:需要注意的是,我们仍然需要 找出一些物流。

14. - to help with some logistics.


15. For example, Rwanda, by investing in this infrastructure for health care, now has an aerial logistics network that they can use to catalyze other parts of their economy, like agriculture or e-commerce.

译文:例如,卢旺达在发展了这项医疗基础设施后 他们现在有了可以使用的空中物流网络 可借此促进其他方面的发展 例如农业或电子商业的发展。

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