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第一语言用英语怎么说 第一语言英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:40:15
  • 37

第一语言用英语说"first language",还可以翻译为  first language,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到88个与第一语言相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. first language

第一语言翻译为first language。

示例:English is not my first language


2.   first language

第一语言翻译为   first language。

示例:Hey, what about that language?
what about that language?


3.   Native Language

第一语言翻译为   Native Language。

示例:[woman singing in native language] [all singing in native language]
[女人在用当地语言唱] [所有人在用当地语言唱]


4. first language l1 -

第一语言翻译为 first language l1 -。

示例:Move it to mid-point of L1 and L3.



1. first language(第一语言,本国语,母语)

2. first generation language(第一代语言)

3. daiichi(第一;第一制药;日本第一)

4. functional unification grammar(功能合一语法)

5. next statement([计] 下一语句)


as first language as the first laugage ( 作为第一语言 )

first language teaching ( 第一语言教学 )

The First Linguistic Model ( 第一语言模式时期 )

The First Linguistic Model ( 第一语言模式 )

my first language class ( 我的第一语言类 )

my first language class ( 我的第一语言班 )

My first language is Chinese My first language is Mandarin ( 我的第一语言是国语 )


1. Your silence makes me Only the most 'curious.


2. She won't eat, she won't talk.


3. -You can't send one feeler to me?


4. in what language? Certainly not the language of mathematics, in which, Galileo rightly said, the book of nature is written.

译文:那么感官得来的知识由什么语言承载呢?肯定不会是数学语言吧 可伽利略却有此精辟一语 “自然之书乃数学著成”。

5. And to me, the weavers have found that language.

译文:对我来说,织网者 找到了这一语言。

6. My first rule is to deescalate language.


7. - What is your first language?


8. That i will talk to him and he won't say anything.

译文:我跟他说话 他却一语不发。

9. There's the kind of grammar that lives inside your brain, and if you're a native speaker of a language or a good speaker of a language, it's the unconscious rules that you follow when you speak that language.

译文:一种是在你脑子固定形成的语法 如果你以某一语言为母语 或者你能流利地说某种语言 是你在说那种语言时 所遵循的潜规则。

10. But folks who don't have that linguistic trick can't do that.

译文:但对那些没有这一语言特征的人来说 却无法做到。

11. We can break down ethnic barriers by playing Kenyan music done in English, Kiswahili and other ethnic languages, on what is now single-language ethnic radio.

译文:我们可以通过 在单一语言的民族电台上 播放用英语、斯瓦希里语 和其他少数民族语言演奏 的肯尼亚音乐打破种族的界限。

12. "...if you get right down to the point.


13. Oh, yeah, i'm sure that's it, Charley.


14. Seems kind of prophetic now.


15. What if his first language was Spanish, and everyone learned Spanish instead?

译文:要是他的第一语言是西班牙语, 大家都去学西班牙语, 而不是手语和他交流呢。

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