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后热处理用英语怎么说 后热处理英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:40:37
  • 33

后热处理的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为after-baking,还可以翻译为  PWHT,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到45个与后热处理相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. after-baking


Bearing cones must be annealed prior to machining and a subsequent post heat-treat hardening.


2.   PWHT

后热处理翻译为   PWHT。

Experiment results of welding residual stress and the stress after local post weld heat treatment are compared with numerical simulation.


3.   after-baking

后热处理翻译为   after-baking。

The necessarily of post-weld heat treatment of spherical tanks was emphasized.


4.   Postheat treatment

后热处理翻译为   Postheat treatment。

示例:i'm upset about my treatment.
- I am upset at my treatment.



1. post neat treatment(后热处理)

2. postheat treatment([化] 后热处理)

3. postweld heat treatment(焊后热处理)

4. PWHT(焊后热处理)

5. heat-treat(热处理 )


PWHT post weld heat treatment postweldheattreatmentPWHT ( 焊接后热处理 )

Local post weld heat treatment ( 局部焊后热处理 )

post weld heat treatment requirements ( 焊后热处理要求 )

temperatures for post weld head treatment ( 焊后热处理温度 )

post weld heat treatment ( 焊缝焊后热处理 )

Finishing Heat Presses ( 印后热处理 )


1. So this is what Russian looks like in a visual abstraction.


2. Just wrap up quickly. Let's go.


3. Shoot, kill, get every gun in the area after you... especially those from Ei Paso.

译文:其它人我们来处理 干完活后我们再在 las palmeras会合。

4. Just the endless procession of days, months... ... years.

译文:直到处理后的这些日子 母亲们 岁月。

5. There's some Solid Works versions of it.

译文:这里有些它的Solid Works处理后的样子。

6. But it got more manageable once they had a theory.


7. it's got heated rims. Wish i had those.

译文:它还有热处理过的轮缘 希望我有这些东西。

8. Hey, i got to run some cs. i'll be back in a couple of hours.

译文:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}嘿,我有些事要处理 几个小时后回来。

9. it heat treats it. Right, watch yourself.

译文:让它热处理自身 当心点。

10. So, Lola, baby, just wait here and i'm gonna be right back.

译文:... 宝贝,在这儿等我,我处理完鲨鱼后马上回来。

11. Be first to confess and you may get off lightly!

译文:先承认和后承认 处理完全不同啊。

12. Processed data is due for upload.


13. i'll meet you after we deal with this.


14. Pootie was just too hot to handle.

译文:(? : 我只是)Pootie 太热处理。

15. "How do you heat treat your tons?" And i said: "l don't, mate"... i just, you know, bung them in cold water and Bob's your uncle".

译文:"你是怎么热处理活塞的?" 我告诉他"我不关心。

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