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亭台楼阁用英语怎么说 亭台楼阁英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:42:52
  • 23

亭台楼阁的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为pavilions terraces and towers,还可以翻译为  Pavilions,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到44个与亭台楼阁相关的释义和例句。


1. pavilions terraces and towers

亭台楼阁翻译为pavilions terraces and towers。

It covers an area of 290 hectares, and has halls, pavilions, corridors and Bridges almost everywhere.


2.   Pavilions

亭台楼阁翻译为   Pavilions。

Pavilion, terrace, rockery, exquisitely laid out in an asymmetry.


3.   elegant buildings for landscaping purposes

亭台楼阁翻译为   elegant buildings for landscaping purposes。

There are also many pavilions, pagodas and towers made of gold or jade.


4. pavilions -

亭台楼阁翻译为 pavilions -。

示例:There's a company that wants to build one of those entertainment pavilions in Canarsie.
有个公司想要 There's a company that wants to build 在卡纳西建一个娱乐中心 one of those entertainment pavilions in Canarsie..



1. pavillions( 亭台;山峰路的泊为林斯)

2. ivory tower(象牙之塔,空中楼阁,脱离现实的天地)

3. nae( 巴比伦的酋长奈亨台;巴比伦的酋长奈亭台;巴比伦典籍中称其为奈亨台)


1. it's a false construct created by Nike -- ingeniously created by Nike, in the most positive sense -- to sell more ss.

译文:而是由耐克打造的一个空中楼阁—— 精妙无比,目标明确——卖出更多的鞋。

2. But ii Duce will prove to be nothing more than a puppet, and his new government only a figment of imagination, propped up by Adolph Hitler's waning military might.

译文:但事实证明,领袖只不过是一个 傀儡而已 而他的也只是空中楼阁 完全依靠的武力支持 苟延残喘。

3. They are labyrinths of stones, streams, water lilies and small temples.

译文:它们是石头、水流、荷花和 亭台楼阁的迷宫。

4. i don't believe in friggin' like, 'Things get better after bad things' or 'Silver lining in every cloud.

译文:还否极泰来呢 纯粹就是的空中楼阁 在这个国家。

5. "Empty Vessel. An illusion.

译文:空壳 幻想 空中楼阁。

6. it is an empty vessel. An illusion. A tower with no foundation.

译文:仅仅是个空壳 幻想 空中楼阁。

7. But here, look... You see, the problem is, i build any more, it's all gonna come down like a house of cards.

译文:look... 它就会像空中楼阁一样塌下来 {\3cH202020}it's all gonna come down like a house of cards.。

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