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一万亿用英语怎么说 一万亿的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:42:59
  • 113

一万亿的英语翻译是"  en biljon",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到56个与一万亿相关的释义和例句。


1.   en biljon

一万亿翻译为   en biljon。

They located a meteorite with a mass of over a trillion tons.



1. trillion(一万亿 )

2. trillionth(第一万亿 )

3. Tflop( 一万亿次;太拉)

4. tevatron(一万亿电子伏)

5. tricro(万亿)


Tevatron ( 一万亿电子伏 )

one million million miles ( 一万亿英里 )


trillionth ( 第一万亿 )

tengen toppa ( 一万亿年一遇 )

a million millions ( 古代指一万亿 )

BEST ARTIST ( 一亿三千万人的选择 )

one hundred trillions ( 一百万亿斤 )

The One Minute Millionaire ( 一分钟亿万富翁 )


1. This ship was a trillion-dollar payday.


2. To spend a trillion dollars on something -- that is not a conservative viewpoint.

译文:在某些事上 花费一万亿美元 那不是保守派的立场。

3. One planet in a trillion galaxies, just as in the visible universe.

译文:所以,一万亿星系中 只有一颗行星能做到, 可见的宇宙就是如此。

4. There could be a trillion planets in the galaxy.


5. That's an eyelash under a trillion dollars.


6. After all, there could be a trillion planets in the galaxy -- maybe more.

译文:毕竟,银河系中可能有 一万亿颗星球—— 也许更多。

7. Do you even know how a trillion looks?


8. And it saves us over a trillion dollars without a single penny of taxpayer income.

译文:可以节约超过一万亿美元 而且不花纳税人一分钱。

9. But i read this fact the other day, that one trillion seconds equals 32 thousand years, so if you think about that, the context, the casualness with which we talk about trillion-dollar bailout here, and trillion there, we are stacking ourselves up for long-term leverage.

译文:前不久,我看到这样一个事实: 一万亿秒相当于32000年。你想想这种情形: 我们在多么轻松地谈论金钱,这儿一万亿,那儿一万亿。我们在堆积一个长期的杠杆。

10. Habitability -- right sort of planet around the right sort of star -- the trillion becomes a billion.

译文:适居性—— 合适的行星围绕着合适的恒星—— 一万亿里面有十亿个。

11. But i read this fact the other day, that one trillion seconds equals 32,000 years.

译文:前不久,我看到这样一个事实: 一万亿秒相当于32000年。

12. He said that the entire universe jumping into existence in a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, out of nothingness, in an unimaginably intense flash of light is how he would expect the universe to respond if God were to actually utter the command in Genesis 1 :3,

译文:他说,整个宇宙跳进存在 在第二个的一万亿分之一的一万亿分之一, 出虚无。

13. And one trillion of that goes to OPEC.

译文:其中有一万亿美金 付给了石油输出国家组织。

14. That's an eyelash under a trillion dollars.


15. There are a trillion hours a year of partitory value up for grabs.

译文:每年一万亿的 小时 可供大家自由争取 共享价值。

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