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病在五脏用英语怎么说 病在五脏英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:43:02
  • 28

病在五脏的英语翻译是"on friday",其次还可以说成"pentauncer",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到32个与病在五脏相关的释义和例句。


1. on friday

病在五脏翻译为on friday。

示例:All right, here you go, Friday.
吃吧 Friday


2. pentauncer

3. hepatism

4. pneamopathy


1. five viscera(五脏)

2. pentauncer( 五脏)

3. on friday(在周五)

4. hepatism([医] 肝[脏]病[状态])

5. pneamopathy([医] 肺[脏疾]病)


1. i'm gonna gut you bow to stern.


2. i'd presently be getting more acquainted with your anatomy than either of us might care for.

译文:我现在就对你的五脏六腑非常熟悉了 那是我俩都不乐意看到的。

3. No, i had an infectious disease, but i'm better now.

译文:不 我有脏病 现在好了。

4. Hold him down! i want to see what his guts look like.


5. Mm-hmm. What do i do with all this...

译文:面对这五脏六腑的酸楚 What do I do with all this...。

6. "He will kill all who open this chest... and assimilate their organs and fluids... and in so doing, he will regenerate... and no longer be the undead... but a plague upon this Earth."

译文:他将杀尽所有开箱之人 取其五脏六腑及血液 借此法而复生...。

7. Taking me along will only slow you guys down.

译文:那不是被你震得我五脏六腑 都反转。

8. The process, it not only restores the skin, but it restores the vital organs, everything.

译文:这种方法不仅能让皮肤吸收水分 还能恢复五脏六腑 无所不能。

9. Were you to hear it, your mind would cave in and your heart would explode.


10. Anck-su-namun's soul had been sent to the dark underworld... her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred canopic jars.

译文:安苏娜的魂魄已经下到地府 她的五脏六腑被剜了出来 分置于五个瓮内。

11. i'm gonna gut you, bow to stern.


12. Only they don't tell you you'll have to leave your lungs, your heart, your spleen behind on the front line.

译文:他们就的不说 你们去了前线 五脏六腑什么的 就拿不回来了。

13. i feel as though my stomach is filled with a team of blebees.

译文:我感觉仿佛装满了一胃大黄蜂 心慌意乱,五脏六腑翻江倒海。

14. Lung is such a delicate organ that can be compared to a lotus...

译文:在五脏六腑中 被比喻成莲花的特别敏感。

15. it's not much, but you know... its got whatever you need in there.


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