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授勋用英语怎么说 授勋的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:45:16
  • 27

授勋的英语是"award a decoration",在日常中也可以翻译为"  to award an honor",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到23个与授勋相关的短语释义和例句。


1. award a decoration

授勋翻译为award a decoration。

The general decorated the soldier for his brave act.


2.   to award an honor

授勋翻译为   to award an honor。

These officials, les get these kinds of officials, and really, they could rake it in, get these titles and they are representing the king.


3.   awa

授勋翻译为   awa。

His grandfather was decorated for winning the battle.


4.   Honours

授勋翻译为   Honours。

示例:Ministers never veto honours.
Ministers never veto honours.



order of commendation ( 授勋嘉奖令 )

decorate Decorating ( 授勋给 )

a decorated international ( 一名被授勋的国脚 )

Good Honours ( 好的授勋 )

bachelor degree honours ( 学士学位授勋 )

The Garter Day ( 出席嘉德勋章授勋庆典 )

bestow an order of merit ( 册授勋位 )

Honours list ( 英国授勋及嘉奖制度 )

The Order of Merit ( 刚被授予功绩勋章 )


1. Are honours the most serious concern of this department?

译文:难道授勋就是部里的头等大事吗? Are honours the most serious concern of this department。

2. A few were awarded to veterans of the Afghan war so i can assume he's a decorated soldier.

译文:这是用来颁发给经历过阿富汗战争 的退伍老兵们的荣誉 由此我推断,他是个授勋战士。

3. i thought honours were a closely guarded secret.

译文:我以为授勋的事一直是严格保密的 I thought honours were a closely guarded secret.。

4. But before you leave, let me present you, in the name of the Fuhrer, with a medal for your important role..

译文:临行前 我代表福勒将军为你们授勋 以表彰你们。

5. Firstly, the departmental recommendations for the honours list.

译文:首先 部里推荐的授勋名单 Firstly, the departmental recommendations for the honours list.。

6. [The promotion] is next week.


7. He's so decorated for such a young man.


8. Decorated veteran turned pacifist and now the leader of a growing coalition of citizens who question the Federation's administration of the Arachnid conflict.

译文:授勋老兵变成和平主义者 现在也成了日渐茁壮的公盟的领袖 他们质疑。

9. He was decorated at Waterloo.


10. Jimmy's father was decorated.


11. Master's degree, decorated Army Ranger.

译文:硕士学位 授勋陆军游骑兵 Master's degree, decorated Army Ranger.。

12. Was Ron Jones pleased with his peerage?

译文:罗恩琼斯对他的授勋满意吗? Was Ron Jones pleased with his peerage。

13. The Fuhrer himself will decorate me.


14. it's justifiable. i'm gonna get a medal.

译文:这是替天行道 我会被授勋的。

15. That's real good, Bruce. i'm gonna pin a medal on an iraqi named Saddam.

译文:那真是太好了 布鲁斯 我要给一个叫的人授勋。

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