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共轭加成用英语怎么说 共轭加成英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:45:47
  • 29

共轭加成在英语中的翻译是"conjugate addition",还可以翻译为conjugate addition -,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到84个与共轭加成相关的释义和例句。


1. conjugate addition

共轭加成翻译为conjugate addition。

In this paper, the recent progress in rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-conjugate addition reactions is reviewed.


2. conjugate addition -

共轭加成翻译为 conjugate addition -。

The key step was a substrate controlled asymmetric heteroatom conjugated addition.


3.   [有化] conjugate addition

共轭加成翻译为   [有化] conjugate addition。

C_(60) is one kind of fullerene with high conjugated cage-types structure. Its covalence between two hexagons has high reactivity, which behaves as addition reaction of double bond.



1. equiconjugate(等共轭; 等共轭的)

2. equivalent conjugations(等价共轭)

3. energy of conjugation(共轭能)

4. gregarized( 加成)

5. harmonic conjugate(调和共轭)


asymmetric addition reaction ( 不对称共轭加成 )


1. i have measured that 26 percent of the marketing margin is simply due to the fact that, because of the absence of grades and standards and market information, sacks have to be constantly changed.

译文:我计算出26%的工业企业规定的商业加成 仅仅是因为没有 等级和标准制度,和市场消息 所以包装要不停地更换。

2. High on my newfound maturity, i felt it was only natural to try drinking rum for the first time that night, too.

译文:在发现自己变得更加成熟, 而感到激动不已时, 我同时觉得,当晚理应 首次尝尝朗姆酒才是。

3. So Matilda's strong young mind continued to grow, nurturedbythevoicesof all those authors who had sent their books out of the world, like ships onto the sea.

译文:玛蒂妲在这些作者薰陶下 心智更加成熟 这些作者把书呈现给世人就像把船航行在海上一样。

4. The girls at the same age, you look more mature.

译文:你们这些同龄的女孩子 看起来更加成熟 不是吗。

5. One very young, one a little more mature.


6. i've got one more document coming in from the CiA.

译文:我已经得到一个更多的文件 未来在从共轭亚油酸。

7. Just concentrating on Kim won't improve their chances.

译文:只把目标锁定在杀金1人 也不会增加成功率。

8. i sound more mature on the phone.

译文:我的声音在电话里听起来更加成熟 {\3cH202020}I sound more mature on the phone.。

9. But i must say you do seem more mature than most of them.

译文:必须说,你似乎 比大多数人更加成熟。

10. To Ernie and Vivian, to much success in their future and all their future dealings.

译文:祝尔尼和维维安 祝他们的未来和事业 更加成功。

11. i wouldn't let you On my facebook page.

译文:而你这样的 我都不屑 把你加成我的Facebook好友。

12. i do occasional bar mitzvahs and kids' parties.


13. is iron Mike after Mike-Wimp? Tyson is oteltava the style that made him the world's toughest.

译文:钢铁泰森 更加成熟的泰森 泰森必须设法找到一种行之有效的办法 使他再次成为世界关注的焦点。

14. Ends up that the bag is stronger, the fiber is stronger, it didn't cost us more money.

译文:最终我们发现这样的纸袋 更加牢固,纤维更具韧性, 也不会增加成本。

15. i don't necessarily know the answers to these questions, but i think they're an important start at having a more thoughtful conversation about what it means to love someone.

译文:我不一定知道这些问题的答案, 认为,我们以 更加成熟的方式来讨论爱情 会是一个不错的开始。

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