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酸乳用英语怎么说 酸乳的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:46:02
  • 41

酸乳的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  acid milk,还可以翻译为yogurt,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到46个与酸乳相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   acid milk

酸乳翻译为   acid milk。

They will eat mostly rice and sauces made from yogurt and tamarind, spiced with peppers.


2. yogurt


I made some yogurt last night.


3. yahourth


Sales of grass-fed yogurt and kefir on the other hand, have in the last year increased by over 38%.


4.   [食品] yogurt

酸乳翻译为   [食品] yogurt。

示例:- This your plane, Yogurt?
- 酸奶 这就是你的飞机?



1. sour milk diet(酸乳膳食,酸乳饮食)

2. sour milk([医] 酸乳)

3. sour milk beverage(酸乳饮料)

4. sour milk cheese(酸乳干酪)

5. yahourth([医] 酸乳)


lactobacillus acidophilus Acidophilus ( 嗜酸乳酸杆菌 )

Lactobacillus acidophilus Acidophilus NCFM Lactococcus acidophilus ( 嗜酸乳杆菌 微 )

yoghurt sour cream acid curd ( 酸乳酪 )

Lactococcus lactis lactis Lactobacillus lactis ( 乳酸菌 )

Lactococcus lactis lactis Streptococcus lactis Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis Lactococcus lactis s( 乳酸菌乳亚种 )

Lactobacillus lactis Llactis Lactococcus lactis Lactoba ( 乳酸乳杆菌 )

Lactococcus lactis cremoris Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Lactococcus lactis ssp cremoris ( 乳酸菌乳脂亚种 )


1. Have a yoghurt, at least. Just do that for me.

译文:至少吃个酸乳酪吧 就当是顺我意。

2. Yeah, sure, for breakfast, you can have Lucky Charms... or maybe some granola or yogurt, any kind of cereal.

译文:对,没错,早餐的话 你是可以吃"幸运魅力"麦片粥 或者是格兰诺拉麦片再或者是酸乳酪 吃什么麦片都行。

3. Adding garlic to the yoghurt, we'll have a "tzatziki".

译文:把大蒜加到酸奶里,我们将有个'青瓜酸乳酪酱汁'。Adding garlic to the yoghurt, we'll have a "tzatziki".。

4. Combined with the tahini and that yogurt sauce, delicious.

译文:配以芝麻酱和酸乳 美味极了。

5. That thing i said... it just came out wrong.


6. You think i don't know yoghurt from cheese, doctor?


7. Not the soupy kind we know. it's hard as rock.

译文:不是一般那种液体的 这种酸乳像石头一样硬。

8. They sometimes make it there.


9. Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.


10. if Hui-jae eats fresh yogurt often, it sustains her, and makes her feel secure.

译文:是否Hui - jae 时常吃新鲜的酸乳酪, 它支撑着她,使她感到安心.。

11. it's yoghurt. What kind of yoghurt?

译文:里面放着的是酸乳 哪一种酸乳。

12. No, chief. My deceased mother used to make it.

译文:不,长官 我先母以前都做水牛奶酸乳的。

13. in the supermarket. 'Skimmed' yoghurt. What the hell is that?

译文:在超市里头有卖"脱脂酸乳" 这是什么鬼东西啊。

14. No, it was yoghurt. But buffalo yoghurt.

译文:不,它是酸乳 只不过是水牛奶酸乳。

15. That stuff's delicious, doctor. Especially in spring.

译文:医生,那种酸乳味道很好 尤其在春天的时候。

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