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供销合作社用英语怎么说 供销合作社英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:46:08
  • 25

供销合作社用英语说"the supply and marketing cooperative -",还可以翻译为supply and marketing cooperatives,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到75个与供销合作社相关的翻译和例句。


1. the supply and marketing cooperative -

供销合作社翻译为 the supply and marketing cooperative -。

With the new retail runs counter to, and back to the previous supply and marketing cooperatives era.


2. supply and marketing cooperatives

供销合作社翻译为supply and marketing cooperatives。



3.   Supply and marketing cooperatives

供销合作社翻译为   Supply and marketing cooperatives。

示例:i'm dean smith, okay? Director of sales and marketing.
director of sales and marketing.



1. marketing cooperative(供销合作社)

2. purchasing cooperative(供销合作社)

3. trading cooperative(供销合作社)

4. marketing cooperative association(un. 供销合作社联合会)

5. Saccos( 合作社;信贷合作社)


comprehensive reform of rural supply and marketing cooperatives ( 供销合作社综合改革 )

CHINA CO-OP ( 中国供销合作社 )

marketing cooperative association ( 供销合作社联合会 )

Nanjing Supply and Marketing Cooperative ( 南京市供销合作社 )

Harbin Supply and Marketing Cooperative ( 哈尔滨市供销合作社 )

all china federation of supply and marketing cooperatives ( 中华全国供销合作总社 )


1. i met this couple at the co-op last week.

译文:上周我在消费合作社遇到了一对夫妇 I met this couple at the co -op last week.。

2. Don't forget to turn the bedding and fix dinner.

译文:再帮我跑一趟合作社 还要折棉被 买东西 做晚饭。

3. The more hours you work towards the benefit of the co-op, the more you share in the profits.

译文:你为合作社的利益 工作的时间越长 等到的分成就越多。

4. Why don't we go buy one instead?

译文:咱们别织了 我上供销社给你买一块。

5. He runs his finances through a local credit union... one branch, low profile.

译文:他通过一家信用合作社理财 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}He runs his finances through a local credit union... low profile.。

6. So i went about my business: Paragon Space Development Corporation, a little firm i started with people while i was in the Biosphere, because i had nothing else to do.

译文:所以我开办了自己的公司。模范空间发展合作社, 一个我在生态圈2中和人们所开办的小公司, 因为我没别的事可做。

7. Even the woman working at the student's hall likes him.


8. Another? But they never beat Uni High.

译文:合作社源在这里,但老鹰刚刚拿下 达阵。

9. (Applause) Now, Rco is not a cooperative now.

译文:(掌声) 现在,Rco不是一个合作社。

10. thanks to the hard work of my team, that co-op has helped over 300 women change their lives forever.

译文:感谢辛勤工作,我 队,那合作社已经帮助超过 300名妇女改变自己的生活 永远。

11. it's a privately held company with community-minded ownership, but i would like it to become one.

译文:它是一间有社区共有意识的 私营企业, 希望它能够成为一间合作社。

12. Think of community broadband or community energy cooperatives or the shared land for growing fruit and vegetables that in Britain we call allotments.

译文:想想在英国我们称之为配额的 宽带或社区能源合作社, 或者种植水果和蔬菜的共享土地。

13. i, Yen Chi-sheng, from Sichuan, currently the CEO of Red Star Cooperative.

译文:我颜济声,四川人 现任红星社合作社社长。

14. At the Ambasciatori hotel about 20 Russians from the cooperative societies went to see the Pope.

译文:安巴斯托瑞酒店住下20个俄罗斯人 从合作社去看教皇的。

15. - i know the head of the co-op board.

译文:- 我认识消费合作社的老板。

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