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自出心裁用英语怎么说 自出心裁英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:53:08
  • 34

自出心裁用英语说"strive to be unique",在日常中也可以翻译为"out of special insight",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到79个与自出心裁相关的译文和例句。


1. strive to be unique

自出心裁翻译为strive to be unique。

示例:We'll strive for you Alma Mater...
* We'll strive for you * * Alma mater *


2. out of special insight

自出心裁翻译为out of special insight。

示例:# Special dedication going out to all the ladies
# Special dedication going out to all the ladies


3. have an unconventional idea

自出心裁翻译为have an unconventional idea。

示例:Well, i have another idea. What?
I have another idea.



1. inventives(inventive\n[in'ventiv]\nadj.\n发明的,创造的\n有发明才能的,有创造力的;善于发明(或创造的)\n有所创新的;显示创造力的;独出心裁的)

2. finespuns(finespun\n['fain'spʌn]\nadj.\n【纺织业】细纺的;拉细的;纤细的;脆弱的\n极精巧的,精妙的;别出心裁的\n过分琐碎的,过于精细的;不切实际的[亦作 fine-spun])

3. fadlike(fadlike\nadj.\nfad的变形\nfad\n[fad]\nn.\n(一度时髦的)风尚,风气;风行一时的东西;(一时的)狂热\n(别出心裁的)奇想,古怪念头\n【商业】一时的热门货\nadj.\n[主青少年用语]极好的)


1. They're unique answers to a fundamental question: what does it mean to be human and alive?

译文:他们是对终极问题的别出心裁的回答: 这个问题就是人是什么?活着意味着什么。

2. Every time you want to do something different like The Wrong Man or Vertigo, someone loses money.

译文:每次你想别出心裁 就总会有人赔钱 像《伸冤记》和《记》那样。

3. in his mind he has a scheme.


4. i don't have my perfectly tailored tux.


5. i need you to concentrate and give me valuable inputs.

译文:希望你能和我一同关注 提出别出心裁的创意。

6. if we start allowing them to take us on flights of fancy...


7. But these strange plants have an ingenious strategy.

译文:但是这种奇特的植物 有一种别出心裁的策略。

8. Now, i want you to go out there and show me some ingenuity, hmm?

译文:现在,我想你去那里 一些别出心裁,并告诉我,嗯。

9. No doubt, you're a typical modern man.

译文:看您追求女人的方式 是多么的别出心裁。

10. i am much kinkier than that.


11. The answer is underground, and it's very ingenious.

译文:答案在地下 可谓别出心裁。

12. This was paired with a British Norfolk jacket, Yoruba Nigerian trousers, and, improbably, a South African Zulu fighting stick.

译文:与之搭配的是英国诺福克上衣, 约鲁巴尼日利亚裤, 还别出心裁的配上了 一根南非祖鲁格斗棍。

13. But he deflected everything away from his ingenuity into working with his landscape.

译文:但他从未提到他对他的农场 所做的这些独出心裁的发明。

14. We must fight with an inventive approach.


15. i thought it was kind of an interesting look.


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