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矿物质用英语怎么说 矿物质的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:57:40
  • 33

矿物质的英语是"minerals -",还经常被译作  mineral,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到58个与矿物质相关的翻译和例句。


1. minerals -

矿物质翻译为 minerals -。

The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.


2.   mineral

矿物质翻译为   mineral。

The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.


3. mineral substance

矿物质翻译为mineral substance。

Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.


4.   [矿物] mineral matter

矿物质翻译为   [矿物] mineral matter。

示例:But i'm on brown rice and mineral water.
But I'm on brown rice and mineral water.



1. macrominerals( 巨量矿物质;矿物质;大量矿物质)

2. mineral material(矿物质)

3. mineral substance(矿物质)

4. mineralsubstance(矿物质)

5. demineralization(除去矿物质 )


BMD bone mineral density ( 骨矿物质密度 )

Abnormal level of blood mineral ( 血液矿物质水平异常 )

mineral feeds mineral supplement ( 矿物质饲料 )

Natural Minerals Foundation mineral foundation VIE Mineral Foundation ( 矿物质粉底 )

bone mineral content BMC content of bony mineral substance ( 骨矿物质含量 )

mineral matter minerals ( 矿物质物 )

M ineral ( 零负担矿物质 )

trace minerals uitratracemineral Trace Mineral Concentrate micromineral ( 微量矿物质 )

Mineral Streaks and Spots ( 矿物质条纹和斑点 )


1. And they said, you know what happens is, mineral -- just like at your house -- mineral builds up.


2. there are very few minerals and nutrients in the soil.


3. Milk was rich with essential proteins, fats, and minerals.

译文:奶中含有丰富的蛋白质、 脂肪与矿物质。

4. Now, he's mentioning the mineral needs of phytoplankton.


5. Water and essential minerals are ed out and the brain shrinks away from the skull


6. And all sorts of other oxalates are also sequestering carbon dioxide through the minerals that are being formed and taken out of the rock matrix.

译文:所有其它草酸 也通过形成的矿物质 和从岩石基体中得到的矿物质隔离二氧化碳。

7. Well-fortified with vitamins and minerals.

译文:富含着维生素和矿物质 Well -fortified with vitamins and minerals.。

8. They tore minerals from the rocks, and gradually the freshwater of the oceans... became heavy with salt.

译文:水冲刷掉岩石的矿物质 海洋的淡水 渐渐充满盐分。

9. Pure protein minerals, vitamins.

译文:高蛋白质... ...矿物质,维他命.。

10. What's illegal about a bunch of vitamins and minerals, huh?


11. Perhaps this is really an extraterrestrial DNA bank as well.

译文:外星人也需要这个星球上的植物 动物和矿物质。

12. You'd get big Gulf of water in And when it drained back out, it carried a lot of minerals

译文:它一旦回流 就把大量的矿物质和土壤。

13. And all sorts of other oxalates are also sequestering carbon dioxide through the minerals that are being formed and taken out of the rock matrix.

译文:所有其它草酸 也通过形成的矿物质 和从岩石基体中得到的矿物质隔离二氧化碳。

14. As night falls this mineral-rich upwelling

译文:夜幕降临的时候 这股矿物质含量丰富的上升流。

15. They're collecting a particular kind of clay that contains vital minerals scarce in their natural diet.

译文:它们在收集一种特殊的矿物质 而这种矿物质很难从自然食物中获取。

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