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抢风头用英语怎么说 抢风头的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:10:55
  • 18

抢风头通常被翻译为"steal the show"的意思,还网络中常译为"  steal the show",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到31个与抢风头相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. steal the show

抢风头翻译为steal the show。

Stealing the newlyweds' thunder is considered a terrible faux pas.


2.   steal the show

抢风头翻译为   steal the show。

Don't get too wooed by your employer, however-remember that the company you work for is not your friend.


3. steal someone's thunder

抢风头翻译为steal someone's thunder。

Technology also competes for attention.


4.   to grab the limelight

抢风头翻译为   to grab the limelight。

示例:All protagonists get into the limelight!



1. steal the show(抢出风头)

2. wind s(风头)

3. steal his thunder( 抢了风头)

4. grab a seat(抢座位)

5. rushing drainage(抢排)


steal one's thunder ( 抢别人的风头 )

steal the show walk off with ( 抢出风头 )

steal the show ( 抢尽风头 )

joymaster ( 抢镜风头 )

steal someone's thunder ( 抢人风头 )

The Groovy Greeks ( 抢尽风头的希腊人 )

Stealing Thunder ( 抢了苹果的风头 )

but you always still to show ( 但你总能抢走风头 )


1. -The tide is gonna change, Governor. -Now i am a fan...

译文:风头变了 州长。

2. i'm not letting her take the spotlight.


3. isn't that like Sherman to hog all the credit? i'm Sherman's confidante.


4. You are not upstaging me, Van Der Beek.

译文:你休想抢我的风头 Van Der Beek.。

5. And it was my theory, or my point of view, that one didn't upstage the neighborhood -- one made accommodations.

译文:我的理论,或者说观点是 不与周围环境抢风头 而要适应环境。

6. What are you guys fighting for?

译文:别抢呀! 抢什么抢。

7. he won't admit it,but i think he kept his list shortso it wouldn't be too much about him.

译文:是为了不抢我风头 So it wouldn't be too much about him.。

8. Yo, she wants me to come out the same day that you perform at Laviticus and get your press.

译文:哟 她想让我在你在Laviticus 表演当天宣布 抢你风头。

9. You supported one another.

译文:相辅相成 不抢风头。

10. And they seem to put up with them.

译文:And they seem to put up with them. 把自己装扮的很抢风头。

11. That man always said i have taken his goal


12. You want to seize my fame?


13. it's a crime to steal the show


14. i know it might seem tacky piggybacking on deborah's bris,but.

译文:我知道这有点抢Deborah的风头 但...。

15. Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in... where a man dressed up as a bat... gets all of my press?

译文:人穿蝙蝠装... 这成了什么世界呀... 抢尽我的风头。

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