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九年级英语句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:31:02
  • 61

1. My favorite subject is English.(我最喜欢的科目是英语。)

2. He is a hardworking student.(他是一个勤奋的学生。)

3. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.(她长大后想成为一名医生。)

4. We have a lot of homework to do tonight.(今晚我们有很多作业要做。)

5. I'm going to the library to study for my exams.(我要去图书馆为我的考试学习。)

6. They are planning a school trip to the beach.(他们正在计划去海滩的学校旅行。)

7. The weather is beautiful today.(今天的天气非常美好。)

8. She passed her driving test on the first try.(她第一次考过了驾驶考试。)

9. He plays basketball every weekend with his friends.(他每个周末都和他的朋友打篮球。)

10. The city is full of life and activity.(这个城市充满了生活和活力。)

11. The museum has a collection of ancient artifacts.(博物馆有古代文物的收藏。)

12. The concert was amazing.(音乐会非常精彩。)

13. She is fluent in three languages.(她能够流利地说三种语言。)

14. I can't wait to finish high school and go to college.(我迫不及待地想完成高中并去上大学。)

15. The restaurant serves delicious food.(这家餐厅提供美味的食物。)

16. We are going on a camping trip next weekend.(下周末我们要去露营。)

17. The teacher gave us a quiz on the history of China.(老师给我们做了一次关于中国历史的小测验。)

18. She is a talented artist who creates beautiful paintings.(她是一个有才华的艺术家,创作出美丽的画作。)

19. The movie we watched last night was very suspenseful.(我们昨晚看的电影非常扣人心弦。)

20. He is always willing to help others in need.(他总是愿意帮助有需要的人。)

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