1. Safety always comes first. 安全始终是第一位的。
2. Please wear a helmet while riding a bike. 频骑行时请戴上头盔。
3. Knowing safety rules can prevent accidents. 了解安全规则可以预防事故。
4. Never leave your belongings unattended in public places. 在公共场所不要让自己的物品无人看管。
5. Safety is everyone's responsibility. 安全是每个人的责任。
6. Always lock your doors and windows at night. 晚上请始终锁好门窗。
7. Report any suspicious activity to the authorities. 发现任何可疑行为请向当局报告。
8. Don't run near the pool. 在游泳池周围不要奔跑。
9. Keep fire extinguishers readily available in case of emergency. 在紧急情况下请保持灭火器的易取性。
10. Follow proper food handling and storage guidelines to prevent food poisoning. 遵循正确的食品处理和存储指南,以预防食物中毒。
11. Buckle up every time you get in a car. 每次上车都请系好安全带。
12. Always read and follow the instructions when using machinery. 使用机器时请始终阅读并遵守说明书。
13. Keep sharp objects out of reach of children. 将锋利的物品放在儿童无法触及的地方。
14. Never use your phone while driving. 时请勿使用手机。
15. Make sure your smoke detectors are working properly. 确保烟雾探测器运行正常。
16. Plan ahead for emergencies and establish an evacuation plan. 为紧急情况做好预案并制定撤离计划。
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